Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The US & Japan to research a high speed troop transport/minesweeper based on the LCS-2?

Thanks to John Doe for the link...

via JiJi.com
 The 4th, The Governments of Japan and the United States agreed on the basis of (MDA) Japan-US Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement, to carry out joint development of small high-speed ship capable helicopter. Shore fields statement male same day, Kennedy Ambassador and Foreign Minister replaced the letter. U.S. Department of Defense and the Ministry of Defense hits the research jointly.
 Ministry of Defense think you want to develop and deploy a minesweeper ship and transport of thousand several hundred tons the amount of drainage class helicopter can be installed, can navigate at high speed. U.S. Navy owns combine the conditions of these "Littoral combat ship", to promote the research based on this design technology. (2014/03/04-21: 14)
I seriously wonder why Google Translate is able to do such a good job handling Mandarin but just drops the ball completely with almost every other language?

Quite honestly I'm trusting John Doe on his take on the article.  He seems to think that this indicates that the US and Japan are going to research a high speed troop transport, helicopter capable, mine sweeping ship...based on the LCS-2.

The article is here is you want to try your own translation tool on it.


  1. Actually it was me. Blogspot shows my account name "John Doe" for some strange reason from time to time.

    There are some conceptual CG drawings circulating in Japan, which shows a ship narrower than the LCS2. http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/d/dragoner/20081111/20081111130231.jpg

    Hopely, the US could afford lots of these ships by having the hull built in Japan then finish out in the US with sub-systems and save millions. Due to a weak yen, Japan makes a cheap place to build warships, by far more efficient shipyards than US shipyards could ever be.

    1. Japan is constitutionally forbidden from Exporting weapons to anyone.

    2. David McSpadden

      Not at all, The SM-3 missile contains significant portion of Japanese content including the kill vehicle and requires a Japanese export license. Likewise Japan's trying hard to win Australia's 12-ship Collins class replacement sub contract.

  2. That's why I think LCS-2 makes sense for the MCM fleet and the Gator Navy as well

    1. Based on the displacement information, this ship should be in 70% scale of the LCS2, and would make a perfect replacement for Avenger-class. This apparent preference for LCS2 shape suggests that LCS2 will be the sole sourcing winner of two types for remaining LCS orders.

  3. Japan has had a lot of interest in AMV advanced marine vehicles for a long time. Hovecraft, hydorfoils, and SWATH. And of course they do a lot of design interaction with US companies. While the bad translation mentions LCS, any building ie a mere dream. BWT the photo is of two different monohull supported by amas drawings which are the same type as LCS-2 but not the same AS~

  4. Babel fish.com translation of article (Hitchhikers guidebook to the Galaxy fans rejoice!!)

     Both Governments are based on the U.S.-Japan mutual defense assistance agreement (MDA) 4 days, and have agreed to joint development of small fast ship capable of helicopter. Fumio Kishida Minister and Ambassador Kennedy exchanged letters on the same day,.
     The Ministry of Defense and U.S. Department of defense work together in the research. The Ministry of Defense helicopter the hundreds of thousands tons of displacement can sail fast in class transport ships and minesweepers was developed and wants. U.S. Navy possesses littoral combat ship combines these requirements, design technology (English)

    1. Hundreds of thousands tons? Ah, I got the LCS for that. It's called the Gerald Ford class. It's a bit light though. :P

      Fun with translations.

    2. Daniel,

      A wrong translation. The original article stated 1X00 tons. Knowning Japan, this is the "empty displacement", meaning no fuel, no person, no supplies, and no weapons onboard. The "full displacement" would add around 1,000 tons to that, to bring up the total to 2,500 tons.

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  6. English version of the news is now available.



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