Friday, March 28, 2014

Ukrainian Marine Corps vs. Russian Mechanized Infantry.

I was going to try and do a "order of battle" regarding how the Ukrainian Marine Corps would do against a Russian Mechanized Infantry Brigade.

Unfortunately, I can't do it.  Information is spotty.  Real spotty.  Additionally they only have one Battalion of forces....via Wikipedia...
Today, all of the marines Marines (SNAFU! correction) are organized into 1st Separate Marine Battalion.[2][5]
  • 1st Marine Company
  • 2nd Marine Company
  • 3rd Air Assault Company[8]
  • Mortar Battery
  • Reconnaissance Platoon
They more I peel back the layers on the Ukrainian military the more I'm reaching a very uncomfortable truth.

The Russians could seep through the country in a week.  They could capture Kiev in a couple of days...and there is very little that Ukraine could do to stop them.

The idea of a peaceful Europe is something that the Ukrainian people and government bought into.

They were wrong.

I hope we learn the appropriate lessons from this fiasco.