Friday, March 28, 2014

Ukrainian Marine Corps vs. Russian Mechanized Infantry.

I was going to try and do a "order of battle" regarding how the Ukrainian Marine Corps would do against a Russian Mechanized Infantry Brigade.

Unfortunately, I can't do it.  Information is spotty.  Real spotty.  Additionally they only have one Battalion of forces....via Wikipedia...
Today, all of the marines Marines (SNAFU! correction) are organized into 1st Separate Marine Battalion.[2][5]
  • 1st Marine Company
  • 2nd Marine Company
  • 3rd Air Assault Company[8]
  • Mortar Battery
  • Reconnaissance Platoon
They more I peel back the layers on the Ukrainian military the more I'm reaching a very uncomfortable truth.

The Russians could seep through the country in a week.  They could capture Kiev in a couple of days...and there is very little that Ukraine could do to stop them.

The idea of a peaceful Europe is something that the Ukrainian people and government bought into.

They were wrong.

I hope we learn the appropriate lessons from this fiasco. 


  1. One week? In one week i would have T-72s and T-90s at my door...
    And i live in Montijo,near

    1. You know that there is couple of other nations between you and soviets ? They would bleed out before reaching Rhine... you can only afraid of some good old ICBM at your door with red star on it.

    2. Shas:

      Com muitos desempregados, imigrantes, separatistas (como na Espanha), muitos aplaudiriam a libertação do jugo financeiro (onde mais você paga 3 Euros por uma garrafa de Coca-Cola 300ml?).
      Aquilo lá está virando um barril de pólvora.
      Desemprego="minhoca na cabeça".

    3. Mau mau é no Brasil...prefiro os 3 Euros por garrafa de Coca-cola a ter um pais no estado do vosso...
      -Nem toda a gente em Portugal é comunista ou de esquerda como no Brasil
      -Não vejo nada aqui que não esteja mil vezes pior no vosso pais
      -Não sou desempregado e ganho muito mais do que ganharia no Brasil...por isso é que Portugal está cheio de Brasileiros...que praticam o crime mais violento que a minha Pátria já viu...
      O meu primeiro comentário foi uma piada...
      E minhocas na cabeça tem a tua avó

  2. That the State Department, the Germans, and the Ukrainian government are just so indifferent to or ignorant of history, Russian thinking, and Europe's lack of hard power to the extent they appear to be is both astounding and frightening in equally (very large) measure.

  3. Salomão:

    Os russos estão embarcando os blindados da Criméia, mandando de volta para Ucrânia>
    Convenhamos que, se fosse coisa decente eles não fariam isso, ficariam com esse equipamento.
    De 48 caças Mig 29 que haviam na Base Aérea da Crimeia, só 6 podiam voar. Como se devolve esse equipamento?
    Outra coisa, um link para você pensar:



  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Russian marines won't see action unless Putin intends to annex the whole of Ukraine. But that would mean a war with NATO.

    If Putin's objective is the annexation of the Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine, then the troops amassed need to simply cross the border and march into eastern Ukraine where the locals throw flowers at the "liberators".

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Here's a question:

      Would Kiev try to claim back Crimea from Russian hands provided it gets the military means (new hardware) to do so in the future?

    3. thats the root of the problem. memories are loooong in Europe. old grudges die hard and someone at sometime will seek payback.

  6. Salomão:

    Pessoas insanas há em todos os lugares.
    Não li o que este cara que se diz brasileiro escreveu (sou grato por você ter excluído antes de eu ler).
    Como disse Pero Vaz de Caminha em carta ao Rei de Portugal quando Pedro Alvares Cabral "Descobriu" o Brasil em 1.500, "Nesta terra, em se plantando dá".
    Sinceramente, tenho vergonha quando leio num blog decente um brasileiro falar merda e ser censurado.
    Entristece, não somos assim por aqui.
    Deve ser algum "desgarrado".

    1. Se estás a falar de mim,não foi o Solomon que removeu o comentário...fui eu
      Não sou brasileiro,sou português(graças a Deus)
      Desgarrado é a tua prima e merda tens tu no cérebro...

  7. Iraq went pretty smoothly for us...and then we tried to occupy it.

    A nation of 45 million people, awash in RPGs, mortars, rifles and arty shells would make itself a living hell for anyone attempting to occupy it.

    1. Paralus:

      Você está certo.
      Romanos ocupavam com Exército mas, logo vinha o comércio.
      Ocupar fisicamente todo um território de outra cultura sem conhecimento do terreno, sem incutir na população uma ideia, não dá.
      Motivo$ para bombardeamento: Iraque-petróleo, Afeganistão-papoula, Líbia-ouro (Kadafi tinha acumulado ouro aos montes, queria o Dinar como moeda de troca na África do norte).
      Sinto muito em dizer que, os países e cidadãos do mundo consideram os EUA a maior ameaça à paz mundial.
      Aqui no Brasil há uma expressão: "pularam o corguinho" (pular o rio pequeno),
      Quando uma criança ou adolescente pula um córrego pequeno, tem a dimensão dos seus limites, os EUA infelizmente no caso da Ucrânia trespassaram o córrego que não é uma "linha vermelha", é um obstáculo físico.
      Eslavos não pintam o chão, eslavos sabem e conhecem divisas físicas no terreno, essa é a grande diferença.
      Se me desculpe a sinceridade

    2. "Iraq went pretty smoothly for us...and then we tried to occupy it."

      That's because of the 'western' style of "nation building" - where we were nice to the locals.

      The Russians have a different view of things.

      Chechnya for example, may have bleed the Russians, but they went in hard & heavy and pretty much raised it to the ground - something the Western would never allow. (or other nations allow USA to do due to the double standards they apply to US actions vs. their own).

      Any nation Russian decided to have will have a choice - become 'Russian' or be broken.

      Questions, short of using Nukes (which is a no-win for all) how do you stop them?

  8. S-400 sales to China approved by Putin. China plans to deploy them near the Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan, threatening Japanese and Taiwanese fighters flying over the Islands.

    1. Sorry, I forgot to put the link.

  9. The entirety of the Ukrainian Marines were stationed in Crimea, Sol. They won't be fighting Russians. They're pretty pissed off at the government, right now. The ones that left, anyway. The others stayed and joined Russia or the Crimean SDF.

    This article showed up on Yahoo front page awhile back. Other word is coming in that only 131 members of the Marines reportedly went back. Note the last line:

  10. active duty forces only:

    Hungary has 2 brigades
    Bulgaria has 2 brigades
    Slovakia has 2 brigades
    Czech Rep. has 2 brigades
    Romania has 3 divisions plus a Spec Forces brigade
    Poland has 3 divisions and 3 indep. brigades

    Not a lot of NATO troops in Eastern Europe to intercede in Ukraine or even defend themselves. If Poland committed one division and an airborne brigade, Romania committed two divisions and the others each sent one of their brigades, it would be little more than a corps.

    I wonder if maybe the US should just donate some M1s and F-16s to our Eastern European NATO allies. Then start placing some POMCUS in Poland, Czech Republic and Romania.

    1. A little correction lad, Poland has 3 divisions ( one armored cav and two mech infantry ) and 4 indep. brigades ( 1st Aviation, 6th Airborne, 25th Air cav and 21st Podhale Rifles mountain infnatry ) + indep, 18th recon regiment.

      We have the largest and most modern forces on Eastern flank of NATO, still it's only 100k professional soldiers strong + 20k National Reserve ( some kind of National Guard ) maybe it's not small number but soviets have a lot more men.

      The main problem, as always for us is that we don't have any natural borders with Soviets. Stalin was very determined to create"new" Poland borders after the war the they would be easy to attack from east. They can hit us from Kaliningrad, Belarus and thru Ukraine. Even if we want to send forces to Ukraine we can't leave undefended rest of country... it's just strategic frak up situation for us.

  11. Comparing Iraq with US forces RoE of restraint and not accepting large civilian casualties is a whole different horse than the Russian Federations willingness to carpet bomb Ukraine flat to achieve their goal of a dedicated warm water port or a renewed Russian Vassal.
    CNN reports the Ukrainian's forces are going to retrograde and displace their forces into mountains and swamps in small groups to launch hit and run guerrilla raids to bleed the bear from a million cuts.
    The Ukraine military knows their Resistance is all but futile unassisted.

  12. Ukrainians would bravely sing their national anthem while heroically handing over their weapons to russian forces, exactly like they did in Crimea.

    Ukrainians doesn not want to fight for their corrupt government, their morale is just absent. If russian will not commit atrocities and keep chechen animals(most effective regiments in "russian" army) from raping everyithing in their path, ukraine simply would let them enter and take what they want.

    The only force that could stop russian advance is NATO. This whole Crimean/Ukraine madness is last ditch Putin attempt to hold his throne.

    Russia is not Soviet Union and will not survive even half a year Cold War against NATO.


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