Thursday, March 20, 2014

VBTP-MR in full rate production. A beautiful sight...

The above photo is from Forcas Terrestres.

I marvel at what the Brazilian military has done and what the USMC has failed to do.  What is it that has me so jazzed about the Brazilians?  They recognized a need.  They identified the specs of the vehicle that would meet those needs.  They selected a contractor, worked with them to get production in country, assembled the plant...and now the fucking vehicle is getting built.

Meanwhile, the USMC had to do 3 years of study to identify an enduring need, approached industry to build prototypes AND THEN when decision time came---punted.

Indecision is not a desirable leadership trait.  


  1. You know Sol, I think that grand master Yoda give that one good advice to Brazilians, "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." And US politicians and Pentagon merry band stop on "Try..."

    1. well said! and you get brownie points for weaving a Star Wars reference into a leadership issue. you're exactly right though. do it or don't..... but don't hesitate, debate, dither!

  2. Isn't is said that the worse decision is no decision? I am reminded often about the decision North American Aviation made early in the 1940's. Instead of merely producing more P-40's under license to Curtis Aviation they proposed an entirely new fighter. "The prototype NA-73X airframe was rolled out on 9 September 1940, 102 days after the contract was signed and, with an engine installed, first flew on 26 October." Wonder how that worked out?? Only 102 days to study and make. Couldn't have been very successful (sarcasm added)!

    1. you're spot on about no decision being the worse decision.

      the funny and sad thing is that indecision is despised in the Marine Corps. its taught to choose a course of action and if its wrong then fix it but make a decision!

      Amos has shown himself to be a political animal and smaller, supposedly less advanced militaries are making us look like fools.

    2. By the way, for those not aware, the NA-73X evolved into what became the P-51 Mustang, argued by some to be the premier fighter of world War II. True, it had to be re-engined replacing the Allison with the Merlin, but they acted and set it along the road to eventual greatness.

    3. well that applies to my F-35 rants. extreme need focuses the mind. if we manned up and did the hard thing and canceled that turd then turned around and developed a fighter the right way we could get it done maybe not as fast but we could do it alot faster than we're doing that mess.

  3. The Brazilian Army is still using Leopard 1s, and geriatric M-60s.

    1. you said that to say what? the US Army, the premier heavy tank force in the world is cutting back on its M1's. its move forward beyond the M1A2 is in doubt. additionally the Brazilians have the vehicles they need to perform the missions they're involved in.

      to be quite honest they don't need armor better than Leopard 1s and M-60s.

      they might soon because of what there neighbors are doing but today? nope.

      so again. you said all that to say what?

    2. Well, Venezuela has T-72Bs, Peru is about to buy T-90s, Chile has Leopard 2 A4s with l55 cannons, and Argentina is upgrading their TAMs.

      My overall point is that the Brazilian Army is as a whole, underfunded.

      Their service rifle is a dinosaur and most of their armor is old.

      The VBTP-MR is their only bright spot.

    3. We just got new service rifle... it's pretty much a modernized FAL, but it's new service rifle.

  4. Solomon interesting link


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