Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What do the Russians know?

Thinking about the crisis in Ukraine and I thought back to the Olympics.

The Russians intercepted/bugged/got into our diplomats communications.  That's where the "Fuck the EU" comes from.

Shortly after the Olympics are over, the Russians are on the move.  Additionally the street protests seemed to bloom out of nowhere.  The question must be asked.  What do the Russians know and did they learn anything from the diplomats comms that encouraged them to take the actions that they have?


  1. We clearly said in that speak today that Crimea is Russian and always have been and he will not wait for Ukraine to join NATO ( not EU, he clearly said about NATO ) and take over the peninsula and Sevastopol base. Maybe there were some call behind doors about that, that would explain the speed and really amateur ways he annexed Crimean in to Russia Federation.

    1. I wouldn't call it amateaur. As I have said here before and another blog those pro-West demo were it seems with increasing certitude generated by the West's intelligence services. I think we have, forgive the parallel, a Vietnam style situation on the ground where the US was supporting was part of the pro-West movement and the EU (through Germany) supporting other parts. Just as the Soviets supported the NV, and China the VC. The US has military concerns; Russia then China. The EU (read Germany) really needs to bring more into the EU project to keep the Euro viable (read German economy.) Two separate reasons but both with the same blocker, a pro-Russian Ukrainian president who let's be honest did try to play both ends (the Russians and the West) against the middle.

      If "anyone" was amatuer it was the West. When the US allowed the CiA to play silly beggars in SE Asia in the 1960s what happened? And what happened in Central America when they played the same games? Why do they think it would in Russia's backyard against an intelligence and counter intelligence apparati at least equal to the CIA in its efficiency. The Germans have shown really that despite having lived next to the troubled east forever they know nothing. It is apparent that the EU's foreign policy expertise is found in Paris not Berlin. All Dr Merkel is is the plain girl with the money who the cool kids pay lip service, getting out of her what they can, while getting on with the real life without her. Just because Germany builds things doesn't mean they have power in the realist sense. You don't go to your car dealer for life coaching do you? :) Germany is dependent on Russia gas and is trying to keep a float a fiat currency; the latter is dangerous when owned by one country but spread across multiple diverse economies? Ouch. And the Russians? I bet the staff plans for this op have been sitting in the Kremlin since Ukraine voted itself out of Moscow's orbit. I bet they have everything planned from absence of insignature to logistics for the peninsula. Putin isn't stupid. He isn't infallible either. But the West have been caught out. And the peoples of the West, especially those of the US and UK, aren't going to allow their governments to drag them into a war for no gain based on a dubious moral position.

  2. The Russian's know everything Sol.
    The democrats are fools, the republican's are stupid and the idea is to have the US fade away and the rest of the world to rise or fall without US aid.
    The Russian's are now able to plot their moves and use our playbook.
    The US future is going to be bleak as the different ethnic and religious groups fight each other for domination of the ruins.
    Vlad knows just what treachery Obama is planning for American's they understand he wishes to destroy the nation and rebuild it Chicago fashion.
    Vlad knows everything.


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