Thursday, March 06, 2014

Worldwide trouble is based on the bad economy...

I've been wondering if anyone would pick up on this but I haven't seen any of the big thinkers tap into it publicly...

The situation in Ukraine is about the economy.  I know.  We're being fed that its all about a freedom movement but thats not quite right.  The issue was closer ties to the EU.  What the Ukrainian people saw was Western lifestyles.  What they didn't see is the pain that would accompany making the move and the price that the EU would demand be paid to join.

The Ukrainian economy is a mess.

What has been done?  The US and the EU is now picking up the tab to prop up their economy.

Nothing more or less.

But look around the world.  The Arab Spring was touted as a freedom movement that erupted in the Middle East.  Wrong.  It started in those countries because of widespread discontent over economic conditions.

Long story short?  Globalization is collapsing all around us, yet no one seems to be noticing.  Every move is geared toward keeping this system going.  But to what end?  It hasn't made the world more prosperous OR safer.

If I'm right then we're looking at many more years of a chaotic planet that is treading water OR a final move toward a global depression.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Want to join the EU? Not an avantage.

    1. That video is from 2010, and surprisingly, EU is still intact. Are you implying that Yanykovitsch/Putin are the way to go?

  3. Ukraine collapsing not because of economy but because of insane levels of corruption, similar to Russia, but Ukraine does not have oil to feed corruptocracy, and corruption simply destroyed country from inside, by channeling almost all monetary resources to private "castles" and foreing bank accounts.

    To just imagine todays level of corruption in Ukraine and Russia, its worth to take a look into history, before 18th century russian government official does not received any kind of salaries and existed exclusively on bribes. Now such system has reestablished in Russian and Ukraine in earnest, in addition to ridiculous salaries.

    The worst disaster in the history of US and world economy is dissolution of Soviet Union, without worthy competitor US just does not have reason to go forward in all areas. During good old Cold War era it was simply unthinkable to outsource high tec industry to Asia.

    1. thats the craziest thing i've heard today and its been filled with people saying stupid stuff! the US has a worthy competitor and its called the Communist Chinese.

      as far as historic tragedies the breakup of the Soviet Union isn't even in the top 100 much less the top spot.

      as far as economic disasters the great depression throat punches this thing.

      comeon man!

    2. Creation of Soviet Union is for sure in top 100. And US have a worthy competitor, even two... the China and EU.

  4. To be honest, the more I research it the more I see the EU as becoming an organization that forces its own power on its subject states in a bizarre kind of socialist union of its own. I think the Ukrainians that want integration into the EU don't fully understand it and the ones that want to become part of Russia have a better understanding. Russia may not be a road to economic prosperity and Putin is a pretty malicious character, but they can be damn sure that he will look out for them and have a lot of their best interests in mind over the longer course of time. Putin would be a much better ruler than the European Commission.

    Other than that, I don't really see the Ukrainians having many good options. Maybe I'm not well researched enough yet. I'll continue to look at it with what spare time I have.

  5. Globalisation works, it just doesn't work when you have multiple governments with competing interests. The EU will be the worlds most prosperous and powerful force, but to get there governments must give up sovereignty and that's where there is some resistance. You see EU governments starting to cooperate on defence which is early signs of complete unification. Get over the sovereignty and unification issue then its happy days as labor mobility isn't a problem, monetary and fiscal policy become consistent and multi government agendas go out the door as they move to act as one.

    1. you['re confusing EU issues with globalization. that couldn't be further from reality than star trek. globalization has to do with the nations of the world attempting to enter into an economic utopia where free trade and fair trade exists and all boats lift with all people prospering.

      that ain't gonna happen and isn't happening.

      but back to the EU. the utopia that you're calling for will by necessity smash democracy. you're talking about establishing a uber govt to rule over the entire continent. additionally you're talking about mixing and matching wildly different cultures into one.

      do you think the northern european contries ethics will jive with the southern countries? i'm not picking a right or wrong just asking a basic question.

      the answer is they won't. which means that agreement on something more than the most basic and non-controverial issues will be addressed.

      long story short, you're wrong and you're dreaming.

    2. The full federalization of UE is possible but not in short terms and well... not in this times. UE already posses semi-government, the council and the parliament. And Sol, "uber govt to rule the entire continent" don't you think that this is rather precise description of federal government of United States ? In theory one country under federal power, in practice you know that every state is different with own internal law ect. it's not that far away from idea of federal EU.

      Almost all EU country's are now in rather strong "western" culture ethics, of course there is many differences in political aspects. But when someone from Poland go to England or Portugal it can pretty fast assimilate, we can't say that in case of Russians or Turks. They are from different cultural circle, and I know this from my own experience.

      The main problem is that nations of "old" Union want to be full time leaders over more young Union nations. Germans, frogeaters... they have the strongest economy and in they eyes that give them power to rule. They really don't like when someone tell them what to do, especially France. It's like, if you would live in Texas Sol and I a citizen of Poland would say to you how to proceed with illegal Mexican emigrants. I have some knowledge, maybe only a basic one about that problem and you live there and you have that knowledge from first hand, who the frak I'm to tell you what to do ?! This is a example how EU politics dance around Russia, eastern EU nations say all the time that you can't trust Russians, you need to watch them all the time and react with strong united voice because Russians understand only force. And the western nations say that they know Russians and they are good partners and we don't know a shit.

      The question, if the European Union can change in to European Federation ? Yes. But it will be a long process and it may never succeeded. But as different colony's one day became single nation under federal government then European nations maybe one day also will be under on federal government.

  6. I have to admit that regardless of what Russia does or does not do... This has been a great fundraiser for the Ukraine. They have been give billions. All that remains for the Ukraine now is to see if that money disappears into private accounts.


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