Thursday, April 10, 2014

Africa as justification for the SPMAGTF-CR?

Check this out from Marine Corps Times...
“In those areas especially in the African continent, a gallon or a liter of clear fresh water, potable water, is worth more than a liter of petrol,” Amos said.
The youth bulge, also covering most of Africa and a portion of the Middle East, referred to regions where the population was increasing, in some places exponentially, Amos said.
With factors such as hunger, water stress, and joblessness, Amos said, “you throw in an increase on youth. Disaffected youth. unemployed youth. Youth that wander across borders. And then you look the areas where our fuel and our oil reserves are, and then you take a look at where nuclear weapons are, and you get a sense of just how dangerous the world is going to be.”
Why is the Commandant focusing so forcefully on the African continent?

Because it supports his concept of operations.  Small units being able to deploy quickly to hot spots.

What should worry the hell out of many is the fact that the Commandant of the Marine Corps appears to have abandoned Air-Sea Battle..

If Africa is the focus then SPMAGTF-CR make more sense.  They're MUCH too light to fight and survive in the Pacific.  As a matter of fact they HAVE NO STRATEGIC OR TACTICAL VALUE IN THE PACIFIC!!!!

But in Africa they become a bit more palatable.

Amos is pushing a flawed concept, taking aim at a lost continent to justify that concept and disregarding stated DoD policy when it comes to the orientation of US forces into the future.  He wants his 100 years war on terrorism, policy makers be damned.

Mark my words.  If you think the Middle East is a mess then wait till Amos gets us hip deep in Africa.  This is trouble on a biscuit.