Wednesday, April 16, 2014

American vs. American.


This was dicier than I thought.  When the citizenry no longer respect the laws that are passed by their "representatives" then you have one of the ingredients for a civil war.

The bigger problem?

You now have people in the Sovereign Citizen, Prepper Community and Militia Movement all activated and agitating.

When, not if there is a next "Bundy Ranch" and the call goes out, you can expect thousands (as in several) of people to show up armed and ready for a fight.

This is not going to end well.  An incident will occur.  Its inevitable.


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  2. They need fewer guns and more cameras

    1. they need zero guns and all cameras. sniper cameramen, but this has to be a fight for hearts and minds.

      the only good thing that came out of this is that "leaders" in both the Republican and Democrat parties are scared shitless. that part i like. i like it alot.

    2. ahemmmmm, Drop Guns, just saying evidence can be manufactured just by a collection of arms seized after the fact.
      You do see what happens when a citizen aims a camera at just local cops?

  3. Fear a government that fears your guns.

  4. I figure the Feds showed up in force knowing the climate and knowing there would be resistance, but what Fox reported is they could not sell off the cows so they got stuck there with no place to take them. So everyone had time to mobilize. I'm betting they will learn from this mistake.

    1. you can't dress this up for the feds Tony. they got throat stomped and badly bungled this op.

      the put out a bluff to use force and got called on it. additionally, i'm glad it didn't happen but that would have been one hell of a fire fight.

    2. The Feds screwed up big time. They should of had moved those cows out fast.
      I hate bluffs. The next incident might have a bunch of armed individuals with bigger heads thinking the Feds or whoever will just back down if they are pressed, but what happens when it isn't a bluff and decent people get shot because of this incident.

  5. Plus there is another very important fact that everyone might be missing here... We are experiencing a pretty significant draw down of our military. Marines, soldiers, etc. getting their 214's and sent packing. Many are being forced early separation, rather than leaving on their own accord. And if this BS continues, what you are left with, is a significant number of trained and pissed off people... the militias might be getting bigger in the near future.

    1. i covered that awhile ago.

      i predict a future where Marine Corps recruiting will be extremely difficult because of the bad word of mouth by vets getting the boot now. additionally you're right. a bunch of pissed off combat skilled vets with no job prospects is a dangerous mixture. the difference today is that the police are much more hostile to average citizens and vets won't take that shit lying down.

      trouble is brewing and the police are not on the side of the citizens and now even the gun touting law and order citizens are being targeted.

      this is probably the point where cops aren't saluted in the gun community. pain is coming. i don't know when but blood is gonna get spilled.

    2. Hence the veterans are the new terrorist meme from the liberals.

  6. My bad, I figured you may have... Although not all cops and LE are in this boat. There are several across the nation that would side with the civies (their populous) in regards to this, and break ranks. I know personally. The fact that Vegas Metro had an order to shoot...?? That boggles me. I can't believe they would get that order, let alone execute it. They are a good-tough department, hardened, but they wouldn't open fire on unarmed civilians. The other issue at hand, States are growing more and more dependent on Fed aide/funding that they're giving in more and more to fed pressures. Depending on the local Sheriff's and Chief's individual politics and political alignments, you'll have very different outcomes. In LA....we'd be up a river of shit without a paddle!

  7. Knowing where your Police live and making sure they know could go a long way to ensuring you and the police are good, good friends.
    They cannot arrest or kill everyone.
    The L. A. riots saw an entire Police force bunkered down in their own station, full gear and standing safely inside while the city burned around them.
    To serve and protect, yup they serve and protect their masters.
    The population out numbers not just the LEO but the National Guard and the military.
    Get to know your LEO's and their families their addresses and their routines.
    Who knows maybe we can all just get along and be BFF's forever and ever.
    If not, Sic Semper Tyrannous.
    It ain't Mayberry anymore.

  8. Not all cops are "tyrants."

    I'm not a cop, but many of my buddies are. They got out, and went straight into police work; local, Sheriff, FBI, etc. I also wouldn't advise getting to know where your local officers live. I'm sure you mean well, but that can be taken as a threat to them. Especially telling them so...

    If you tell a cop, "I know where you live" you've just made a potential, very defensive, enemy. Just be vigilant, be aware. If you mean "befriending police," than I agree. That is being proactive, and a good thing. In my area(s) most departments are made up of 60+% former military. Including LAPD. Which, in my opinion, would make them less apt to going against the public. You bring up a good point with the LA riots, however everything has changed since then. That is a major source of study for guard, police and all first responders. With respect to LA, demographics are the main issue I see. If we're talking civil unrest, my concern here is leadership of departments & politicians vs. their officers and citizens.

    All that aside, most officers have families (wife & kids). And almost every single one who does will tell you they would do anything to protect their families, especially if that means disobeying a direct order that goes against moral grounds. There are those that wouldn't give a dam too. Not denying that...

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  10. At least the county sheriff is an elected office. State police, similar concerns. This is one reason why the federal government was never to be this big. It is the United States of America, not the United Federal Government of America.

  11. well said. i can't pin point the time, but it appears that all bureaucracies evolve to a point where the work they do no longer becomes the reason for their existence. they reach a point where the bureaucracy lives to serve itself.

    i think thats one of the main problems with the Marine Corps. we wanted to be identified as a separate service and when it happened our bureaucracy went crazy...growing so large that its now strangling the rest of the Corps.

    cut the overhead and the Marine COrps is well on its way to its former glory.


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