Thursday, April 10, 2014

An open letter to 2nd Lt Santangelo from "Don't ever call me a hero" Blog....

Thanks for the link Jonathan!!!

via DECMAH Blog...
In going to General Amos you proved that you are not interested in being a leader. You’re interested in a career. Amos gave you special treatment because you’re a woman, which you accepted. I wonder what General Mattis would have told you. Either way, you’re not qualified to lead troops and they’re going to put you into an administrative billet that’s going to be a cakewalk. It might be great for your career, but I imagine your command is going to hide you in a corner because you’ve already proven that if you have a problem, you’re going to go to the media (when some ruck runs might have been more fruitful to your conditioning, Devil).
Yep, I just devil-dogged you, ma’am.
Read the whole thing.