Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Brazilian Military enters the slums...and a Brazilian Army General is not happy.

via Defesanet.
The Brazilian Armed Forces were forced to accept his job at the Mare Complex under the direction of the Secretary of Security, due to political marketing that could put public opinion against the Forces. " The need for action in missions Guarantee Law and Order (GLO), in the World Cup, and second several military commands like "ambush" aimed at creating situations critical fact that the military would have to perform in adverse conditions. "1
The Brazilian Armed Forces served as a shill for the police and authorities (Government and Public Safety) state conduct their political propaganda.
Read the entire article here.

Please also note that its an Army General writing this opinion piece.

The Brazilian Military are fully aware of the corrosive effect that comes from being seen as a police force to be used against the local population.  This General seems to be trying to retain the good will of the people despite these orders.

A lesson is to be learned here for the US Military.  All the exercises in cities.  All the teaming with local police forces to teach tactics....all the effort by gear makers to lump the military into the same box as police will lead to very bad, very unintended consequences that will erode the esteem that the public has for the military.

This is a warning for us from Brazil.  I hope we're paying attention.