Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bundy Ranch Lesson...

With the situation in the Ukraine continuing to spiral out of control, its hard to look back at the situation at the Bundy Ranch but a very important lesson was learned.

No, its not that Federal Law Enforcement will not use force against resistance.

Its not that the militias are capable of rapid deployment.

The lesson learned is that law makers are scared shitless.

Non-compliance scares them more than the possibility of dead bodies in the streets.  They're seeing this lesson in Washington from the Bundy Ranch, and gun owners in New York and Connecticut.  The fear is almost palatable.  What happens if you pass laws and/or taxes and people refuse to comply?  How do you arrest an entire class of pissed off citizenry?

A popular saying is that "my silence does not indicate my approval"...  I discounted the thought that some had that a 2nd American Revolution started this weekend.  I was wrong.  People are on edge.  The federal govt and their agencies better tread carefully.  There are many looking for a reason to get things started.