Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Critical Mass. The USMC cannot afford its airwing.

I've watched the USMC struggle to come to grips with its armored vehicle issues.  I've watched as programs are delayed or cut, infantry and support battalions cut and Marines with several combat tours forced out of the Marine Corps.

All this could be said to be part of the price of the wars on terror and now that those wars are winding down this is to be expected.

Except that with all the cuts going on the Marine Air Wing continues to grow and despite the Marine Corps becoming smaller...despite the number of battalions being fewer than anticipated, we see the same number of programmed Marine Aircraft being purchased.  Worse.  The aircraft we're buying aren't cheap.  They're high dollar items that are breaking the Corps.

Lets take a look at the cost of Marine Corps aircraft....

CH-53K --- 115.9m
AH-1Z  ---  31m
UH-1Y  ---  26.2m
MV-22  ---  67m
F-35B  ---   196.5m
KC-130J --  62m

This is unaffordable during the best of times.  Obscene during sequestration and is a threat to the Air-Ground Team that is the hallmark of the Marine Corps.

I vacillate between believing that Expeditionary Force 21 is an attempt by Amos to build is legacy and believing that EF21 is designed to justify an air wing that would never be tolerated by Marine Greats.

The Marine Corps should take a procurement holiday and determine whether it is buying too many aircraft for the missions its expected to accomplish.  As I said earlier.  No one has ever adjusted the number of aircraft requested to meet the new reality of a smaller Marine Corps.

That is unsat.

Next, the Marine Corps needs to determine whether its aircraft that are being bought actually fit strategy.

EF21 supposedly pushing the Landing Force up to 100 miles offshore.  If thats the case then the AH-1Z and UH-1Y are no longer viable as air support platforms.  They will be on the very edge of their fully loaded combat range.

Aircraft numbers and mission sets.  That is something else the next Commandant must look at when it comes to fixing Marine Corps aviation specifically and the Marine Corps in general.