Monday, April 21, 2014

SLDInfo. War is declared.

Much to many people's surprise, I like to think of myself as a calm, rationale individual that's slow to anger (ok...that last bit is a lie but you get the idea) but SLDInfo is really starting to piss me off.

Earlier I posted a story about how they're throwing bullshit against the wall to see what sticks with their constant cheer-leading for the F-35.  What happens next?  I'm looking through my RSS feed and I see this post....
The F-35s went in and provided the capability to eliminate the ground missile threats and allowed a distributed company to be inserted to do their job. In other words, the Osprey carried the force; the F-35 surrogate providing the cover which could insert the force more effectively. Such an approach has NOTHING to do with the classic thinking of how a rotorcraft force would approach the challenge of ground force insertion into air enabled contested areas.
What the fuck?

Such an approach has nothing to do with yada yada yada bullshit bullshit bullshit?!

Ok boys.  You just picked the wrong jarhead to bump heads with....Not only are you full of it but your statements make no sense.  How are you going to approach the challenge of ground force insertion into air enabled contested areas with rotary winged aircraft you idiots!  The MV-22 has already shown us that it can't do it!  Ask the SEALs.  Ask Air Force Special Ops!  The days of rotary winged penetration aircraft ended with the retirement of the MH-53J from USAF service.

The idea that a Company Landing Team is going to insert into a location that is protected by anti-air missiles (fixed or mobile, it doesn't matter) and somehow be combat capable boggles the mind.  

You are setting up future Marines to be slaughtered.  100 Marines with standard combat loadouts would be good for one, maybe two firefights before they needed resupply.  At this time the enemy would be alerted and would be sending every available body to the fight.  Do we really want a Marine Corps "Osprey Down" in some third world country?


  1. Did you hear about this?

    1. i hadn't heard about that. thanks for the link...but to be honest i can't get too excited about a ship seizure by court order.

      merchant shipping is a murky world and alot of that world is shady as hell and filled with criminals and cut throats. this won't be a flash point for anyone except the nationalist on both sides looking for a fight.

  2. SLD is one of the e-fan-zines. With that, everything they publish needs to be read so-as to gauge how it fits in with DOD and/or a specific service propaganda.


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