Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spare parts. How much is enough?

Trying to get a few things done, and I'm organizing the firearms/gear lockers.  What is a decent cache of spare parts for each AR/Glock/AK that you have?

I have absolutely no idea and have looked but can't find a good metric.



  1. Rule O' thumb says.
    One is none, two is one, three is two.
    Ya got a good haul right there.

  2. @Zebra

    that ain't my kit. its from the ITS website. i just wonder if its overkill. i've never seen a broken firing pin in an AR but no one has published anything on how much to have. your two is one and three is two is a good rule but are certain parts of an AR more prone to breakdown?

  3. lovely post. i liked all the designing and interesting.spare parts


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