Saturday, April 12, 2014

Victory at the Bundy Ranch? Are you stupid?!

Watching news reports of the Fed's "supposedly" backing off from an armed confrontation at the Bundy Ranch.

All over the internet people are talking about "victory" and how the masses won the first battle of the next civil war.

Are you stupid?

Federal Law Enforcement doesn't quit when it faces armed opposition.  I'm not a fan of most federal agencies (US Marshals and FBI are good to go though) but even the BLM would not back down.

My theory.

They're gonna let the militias claim victory, let the temperature lower and in about a week or two we're gonna hear about a massive raid that will be done in about an hour or two...long before word can spread on the internet. 

Round 1 to the militia, but mark my words.  The Feds will achieve their goals.  Sadly, time is on their side.