Saturday, May 31, 2014

About those militarized police forces....

Tony, a frequent commenter and LEO, pushed back on an earlier article I did expressing alarm at the thought that for the Bundy Ranch incident the Obama Administration had considered and dismissed the idea of using the US military against the protesters.  His pushback dealt with the issue of the federal government buying huge sums of ammunition for its internal police forces.

Let me continue the debate by adding this portion of the same article I did earlier.  via The Washington Times...
Defense analysts say there has been a buildup of military units within non-security-related federal agencies, notably the creation of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams. The buildup has raised questions about whether the Obama administration is undermining civil liberties under the guise of counterterrorism and counternarcotics efforts.
Other agencies with SWAT teams reportedly include the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Education Department.
The militarization of federal agencies, under little-known statues that permit deputization of security officials, comes as the White House has launched verbal attacks on private citizens’ ownership of firearms despite the fact that most gun owners are law-abiding citizens.
I am only the messenger.  But this militarization of federal law enforcement should be alarming to everyone.  We're not talking about beefing up the FBI, CIA, or US Marshals Service.  We're talking about white collar crime agencies.

I can only point to the information.

If you refuse to ignore what your lying eyes are telling you then awesome. But ignoring the obvious doesn't change things.

Something foul is going on....


  1. The American people should have no fear from these so called SWAT. However it should definatly fear the rise of the large scale bureuacratic and legal armies that most Govt's turn to to fuck up their own citizens in a non-violant.....almost Gandhian/martin luther king way. No point going KGB night raid kidnapping people in the dead of the night in black vans when you can conveniently destroy their spirit and their bank balances and their jobs and their promotions and their childrens education and their childrens future and their savings and their reputations and their relationships/families and and and and. I see Solomons point in the increased lethality in Govt. Departments but thats still miniscule compared to the Bureaucratic/legalise nightmare that a vengefull government has already unleashed on us all...irrespective of nationality. I mean when a govt. wants to take you down, they file cases against you in 10 different localities with 10 different law firms ganging up on you. So you have an option of spending your whole life going from one state court to another or meekly accepting your fate and settling with the govt.

    1. In Georgia USA we had sheriffs deputies serve a no knock warrant, tossed a WP flashbang grenade in a window they did, right into a babies crib, it burned the babies one lung out, horribly scarred him and he is on life support in critical condition at a burn unit in an induced coma.
      It wasn't even the babies house, he was a guest.
      The suspected drug dealer wasn't there.
      The LEO said, "The Safety of our Officers is paramount to any other consideration" as if throwing willie peter into a babies chest was OK.

    2. And these kind of unfortunate accidents will happen with even more frequency with these kind of "Percieved as Elite" police teams cropping up. In the end they are nothing more than crazed gun nuts. While i have no experience regarding US police, I did like that one line Samuel L Jackson said in SWAT movie......."Gentlemen, we are SWAT. We are NOT a Life Taking Organization". I wonder how true this line holds in real life ?

    3. We had in interesting tactic when presented with a good intel about a militant/terrorist taking refuge in some civilian/relative's home. Used to catch the home owner when he was at work, intimidate him a little, carrot/stick. Learn about his house and its internal layout etc. and then give him a required amount of explosive in a briefcase with us on the control side. Tell him to go back to home from work at the usual time, take his family out for an ice cream or a walk, any regular excuse after keeping that briefcase in his house and then................boom. House rebuilt in a better neighbourhood or a new apartment aloted in a nice housing society. The point to be noted here is not the briefcase but the impunity with which security forces can kill threats without due legal process or "innocent till proven guilty". And that kind of impunity only comes from a hardcore legal/buraucratic team backing you to the hilt.

  2. I didn't see that bus coming... I was just breaking it down the way it was explained to me by someone in the know on the ammo part.
    Of the agencies listed I can see the fish and wildlife just because you would expect most people they run into to have weapons, but the rest just seem odd. You figure they could have a few swat teams spread across the country to do any raid that may actually be needed though. I'm sure it would be much cheaper to train a few teams very well that keep their tactics up than have so many spread across so many departments that rarely get used, or at least you hope. Further I get having better trained and equipped officers around the nuclear power plants, but most on that list just seems nuts. Though everyone with a police style force will want all the gadgets and toys swat gets. Throw in the FEDs propensity to spend our money at an alarming rate and now every agency has their own police force and since one got a swat team everyone else wants one to. Bad thing is then they need to justify their existence which means the FEDs start using them for more and more stuff.

    Off the Swat part, you would think for easier accounting and training that the FEDs would use the FBI as their investigators for everything other than fish and wildlife. It all comes down to the government getting to big and spending to much of our money.

    In other news boarder patrol being overwhelmed by those expecting Obama to grant amnesty.

    1. i've been following that. things are going to get dicey. either the Republicans will hold the line and not approve amnesty OR things will get dicey because Republicans approved amnesty.

      the Republicans are arrogant, full of themselves and are misreading things. they think that amnesty is what the American people want. they're fooling themselves. the only people that are interested in amnesty are illegal immigrants and people inside the beltway.

      this could cost them the election.

  3. Railroad Retirement Board? WTF?

    At this rate only school boards will be SWAT-less..........

  4. There is a direct connection between endless war abroad and an commensurate increase in domestic repression. It really go started with Woodrow Wilson, who has many acolytes these days. National security for the US is a big deal unlike in most other advanced countries, and it requires more "security" measures at a theater near you. The militias get that, and so do all the forces arrayed against American citizens, using tax money against the people who pay their salaries, pensions and health benefits.

    We have checkpoints on the Interstate and other interior highways manned by armed uniformed thugs with weapons and dogs. We have uniformed federal agents stopping us on back roads and asking where we've been and where we're going. And that's for fair-skinned people, for others it's worse. Welcome to Amerika.

    Many people welcome these policing activities. "They're keeping us safe." But the militias take a different perspective, from an old document:
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, . .when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

  5. FedGov is militarizing all agencies to be used against the American People while opening up the southern border, pushing through amnesty--dumping criminal illegal immigrants in the US, shipping guns to narco-terrorists, arming the Muslim Brotherhood, etc, etc, etc...

    And they do everything they can to break down a US citizen's ability to balance this crime/power through gun control (e.g. Operation Chokepoint).

    Only a fool would not see the danger here. All that is required is a flash point.

    What's worse it once it gets started, it won't easily end as this (federal) government has lost is moral legitimacy (respect/trust). A government cannot prosecute war against its people, for the benefit of a radical minority (Liberals), and claim the consent of the governed. What they are preparing for has no legal or moral basis. Once that veil is lifted there will only be two choices.

    1. I basically agree, but do you have evidence of opening up the southern border?

    2. Just in the news this week...

      This is all by design. These are the people who force you and I to carry a piece of paper (health care insurance) but tell us they can't secure the border. They can end global warming, if we just agree to live in mud huts while they eat steak and lobster, but they can't secure the border.

      CBP gets issued bean bag rounds.

      Barney Fife gets an MRAP.

      Eric Holder (Obama) give AKs to cartels (on both sides of the border). Zero accountability--did they even arrest the "bad" guys?

      A former service Marine makes a wrong turn with a shotgun and probably won't survive Mexican prison.

      See a trend? I'm alarmed and it's becoming clear to me Obama & Co no longer fear consequences.

    3. So what I read is that people (children, in the linked article) are continuing to cross even though the border is more closed and so it requires more effort. That's certainly true in the portion of the border I'm familiar with, including new ten-foot high steel fencing as seen here for miles and miles, and many more border patrol agents.

    4. @Resident Author
      You are cherry-picking news articles without any overall scenario. The Border Patrol has shot and killed about ten people, usually rock-throwers, and they didn't do it with bean-bags. Four years ago a Mexican immigrant was beaten to death by US Border Patrol at the San Ysidro crossing to Tijuana. Mexicans, understandably, take exception to unnecessary violence leading to death. (It's even greater than an American losing some cows in Nevada for not paying his bills.).

      There is bad blood at the border which unfortunately has contributed to bad Mexican treatment of Sgt Tahmooressi, who crossed into Mexico with several guns, a behavior which is clearly prohibited by large signs at the border, and then (reportedly) told different stories.

      Again, I basically agree with you but you don't help the case with random snippets of misinformation. And no, I don't see a trend in your sense, whatever it is.

    5. Here is an article that gives a good perspective. They are arresting 2,000 a day and some just cross and give themselves up because they hope they will not be deported before amnesty sets in.

    6. Kabuki Theatre and nothing more.

      There are 20M+ illegal immigrants in the US with both US and Mexican governments promoting illegal immigration and doing what they can to legitimize it.

      Anyone who has an interest in coming here can and does quite easily (in most cases). Meanwhile, there are no penalties to US employers for hiring illegal labor under the table (and the labor unions are oddly quite on that one).

      BTW, I live in Denver. If you live in far from the southwest you may see a different reality. Around here, it is very common to hear about a serious crime and find out the perp is an illegal immigrant with a long criminal history. Denver is a sanctuary city--soon the whole the country will be a sanctuary city. It is also very common to stand behind a Spanish-only speaking family in line at the grocery store and see the bulk of their shopping cart paid for with WIC coupons. You think the US government has "accidentally" created these incentives?

      The Marine was told to lie by his US State Dept recommended council. Can't say I blame him. He is afraid, abandoned, and being tortured (apparently). He immediately declared his weapons and tried to turn around.

      Don't try to pick nits... The US government has failed in its primary obligation to protect the People while gearing up for a war against the same. Illegal immigration is just one example.

  6. long as the banking/globalist cabal that put BHO, Dumya (well...really Cheney), and Clinton in office (BTW Bush 1 and Cheney are card-carrying members of that cabal and pretty much steered America behind Reagan's back) long as this group is calling the shots for America from behind high walls, armed security, CFR and CIA meetings and bank vaults; the militarization of the American police force, and their coordination under the DHS (which should be abolished) will continue.....

    But when the spark finally gets touched matter how many MRAPS, drones, swat teams, judges, jails, immigrants in uniform, LGBT culture-killers in administrative positions, stockpiles of ammo, data collection centers, and even UN troops they have at their disposal; they will eventually be defeated......because there are just too many Americans between the ages of five and ninety-five that just won't take this much shit forever...who still like a riteous fight, and haven't had enough taken from them YET to throw down the gauntlet like Cliven Bundy did.

    I jut hope that when it's over it hasn't so devastated the US population and the US economy that the Mexicans will be able to just walk-in...squat and stay forever. (oh wait...they're already doing that by the millions...never mind.)

    Because these multi-generational bankers and the multi-generational families that service their three-fisted stranglehold on America through Wall Street, Washington D.C. and the Federal Reserve DO NOT give a fuck how many of us they kill and how much of America they destroy so long as they remain on top.


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