Thursday, May 01, 2014

Boeing gets serious about lobbying for more Growlers...

In this modern age how do you know when budget wars over weapon systems have switched into high gear?

When the talk switches from what the particular product does and how it benefits the jobs...and the congressional districts where those jobs are located.

I think the military case for the Growler has been made by the CNO.  Made in spades.  Now Boeing is starting the lobbying fight.

'Bout time.

I hope they win.


  1. I sent a letter to my Congressman asking him to support a 2015 purchase of Growlers in the budget. I also sent one to my senator. I think a vast majority of military contractors are slimy, but there are ones that deliver good products that actually fit the needs of the service and there are ones that don't. Boeing's Super Hornet is one of those products that fits the needs of the Navy (and Marines even they are still in denial about it). I hope Boeing wins too.

  2. If you are looking to support the ASH F-18 and Growler through your congressman go to.


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