Wednesday, May 21, 2014

China at the RIMPAC exercise. A Chinese intel bonanza!

via Breaking Defense.
Now, we’re accusing their military of criminal acts.” That includes an open-ended charge of “conspiracy” that could potentially entangle more senior Chinese officers and complicate high-level visits to the US.
That said, Cheng added, “note that the Chinese did not take the most obvious retaliatory path, which was to cancel high-level meetings…or participation in RimPac.” That’s not necessarily a good thing, he added: “This would suggest that the information the PLA will obtain from RimPac likely outweighs their diplomatic pique — and should raise questions about just what we’re choosing to show the Chinese.”
Its obvious.

Partnership missions are a threat to national security, expose our forces to espionage and does nothing to prevent future conflict.

This whole thing can be traced back to the Rummy time in the DoD.  The war in Afghanistan was an all SOCOM affair. Remember the term Special Ops Olympics?

SOCOM brought in any nation that wanted to train with them to battle Islamic terrorist.  The idea was that conventional warfare was a thing of the past, SOCOM would lead the way and that Special Ops needed to be on the same page so that they could all operate to crush this threat to the free world.

It didn't work out that way.

SOCOM couldn't get the job done and Conventional Forces were called in so that SOCOM could "go after high value targets" (I stand by that statement and a blog post is coming on the biggest unacknowledged failure of the war in Afghanistan--It should have been a Special Forces Olympics and the rest of SOCOM/Conventional Forces should have stayed out).

General Purpose Forces adopted the ideology and started training and training with questionable units....including the Chinese.

This concept should be dumped post doesn't work and has a clear track record of failure.