Saturday, May 31, 2014

I don't recognize this Marine Corps....

Everyone has been sending me this Stars and Stripes article....
Each video submitted may include up to six Marines or sailors from the same unit performing a short 10 to 30 second skit. The performances will be judged based on creativity, originality, teamwork and comedic value. A Headquarters Marine Corps Single Marine Program judging panel will select up to 25 finalists from the submissions. The finalists will then be voted on by the general public to determine the winners.
The team that wins the grand prize will receive $5,000 toward their unit funds to support single Marines, and each of the participants from the winning team will receive a free Dell Alienware laptop. Each member of the second place team will get a $100 gift card that they can use at Marine Corps exchanges.
This is the kind of bullshit that Marines in the wing were engaged in before their FUCKING BASE WAS ATTACKED AND THEY LOST THEIR COMMANDING OFFICER AND A SERGEANT OF MARINES.

This is bullshit.

I don't recognize this new Marine Corps.  I am officially old Corps now. 

Sidenote;  My buddy Dave sent me this first.  I was punching walls and then my mailbox got slammed with this.  You bastards knew this would send me over the top and you're right.  Words can't describe how pissed I am.  The USMC.  No longer the home of steely eyed killers.  Now we're filled with bronies, freaks, misfits and unicorn chasers.  FUCK!!!!!!!!  Oh and for those that don't appreciate my position I've included the public service announcement below.


  1. Beyond the absolutely appalling behavior and acceptance of this "kinder, gentler" Corps by senior leadership, is the sobering thought that, in the end, people will die because the job wasn't taken seriously.
    Being a Marine isn't just a job. Its a way of life near the pointy end of the stick. Not for everyone, that's ok.
    Senior enlisted, retirees, and (I hope) mid-level JOs must be punching walls right along with you. I can only hope that enough of these JOs are thinking between clenched teeth, "wait till I get my day, It will never be like this again."

  2. Solomon....did you just remove that persons comment here ?.....I could have sworn there was another comment here

  3. Steely eyed killers? right... we stuff Marines behind computers 9 hrs a day and give them dunkin donuts.... we jump up and down about marksmanship yet we wont let our non-03 types go to the range more than once a year. Crew served shoots? forget about it. As a non-grunt i can say that most people are under the opinion that we will keep fighting Afghanistan type fights where you will sit in a FOB and nice hesco barrier walls around you until you need to patrol/convoy/etc etc.... Forget about getting Marines out from behind their desks, thats just about impossible, not because they don't want to do "Marine things" but because no one allows them.

    The organization is too political, with the advent of social media/internet, there is no such thing as handling things "internally" because inevitably someone will put it on youtube. We spend every friday telling Marines to not rape people and pounding SAPR classes into their heads (because you know, most people don't realize that rape is wrong....right?). Marines are doing the same things that their peers do in college or on spring break, the difference is they get a court martial, because they were both drunk, but he will be held responsible. The best thing to happen would be for MarineNet to die along with 70% of our annual training, or we could you know take all those hours spent on annual training and teach Marines combat related things.....

    Sorry Sol, I'm off my soapbox now

  4. Allow me to turn the screw a bit--
    --the Army doesn't this cheap shit.

  5. Yet Sol we had the Bros and the bloods gather in the squadbays and sing Motown after lights out, was nice. Never made videos though and Hell, if Top heard there was HELL TO PAY!
    Don: Bubba I saw the Army do a forced entry in a video of a Head/Latrine with mops and buckets, and let's not forget the old "GET DOWN" dance and song of some name less squad in Afghanistan.
    Or the semi nude aircraft director in the Air Force.
    I have crossed the equator and are a shellback tell me that ain't some weird Navy shit right there!
    Only the everlovin' Coastguard has not done one of these one hit wonders.
    I'll never forget the aviation version of "call me maybe" dang my Gunny would have pull off some heads and shit down some necks!

  6. P/S
    Sol, Welcome to the Old Corps Bro.


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