Thursday, May 01, 2014

Over 200 years of hardcore Marine Corps reputation being pissed away by the new generation...

When are these new Marines going to realize that they look like idiots doing this shit?

The Marine Corps that THEY wanted to join has a reputation of being hard charging, hardcore, shock troopers.

The Marine Corps they're displaying is more like powder puffs, frills and cotton candy.

More importantly when is HQMC going to do something real.  Like crack down on this bullshit.  It takes attention away from what should be going on.  Don't believe me?  Remember the video below?

Yeah.  This vid was done months before the attack on the base.

Maybe if they put that energy and effort into doing Marine tasks (like security and not depending on the Brits) then we wouldn't have damn near lost a squadron of attack airplanes.

Over 200 years of hardcore reputation being pissed away by a new generation.  This shit makes me sick.


  1. Feminism has such a hold on the education system, popular culture, and societal norms now this stuff isn't surprising. From the early 90s to the mid-2000s I was involved with inner city youth work and then I while later I went back to school; a timespan of about 20 years. I saw young males change during this time from lads being lads, to lads paying lip service to the feminist agenda, to lad actually acting like girls. I think true men have always had a sensitive side; look for example how service personnel will help say orphanages when stationed in distant lands. And I know lads can be moody; it hormones. But these days they cry at the least little thing. Texting each others in their group over minor slights like, well, girls. Actually that is why women in the infantry scares me as an idea. It isn't that men will act as men will act. It is more that the extra feminine influence will push formations into rash acts. Not because of men defending women. But because of some silly "workplace" drama. The sort of thing we have all seen in the civilian workplace. Not good.

    One more thing I have noticed and I will give you an example. One day I was drinking coffee at roadside cafe. I was sitting there minding my own business when a group of male high school senior/sophomores walked past. And at the same time a pretty blonde about the say age in gym gear rode by in the other direction. Now I wouldn't condone too much in overt displays of licentiousness in the street. But not one of those young men even turned his head around to look at her ride away. It is something I have seen now quite a few times. I am a bit of people watcher. I find human behaviour fascinating. And if I see something that piques my interest I will look for further evidence. It just seemed odd. Not natural. And even more disturbing I have seen examples of the reserve where groups of girls have made overtly sexual displays towards males in the street to an extent where if males had done similar there would have been cries of assault or worse.

    You wait until President H Clinton sends these guys to retake the Ukraine for Western Civilization!

    1. i knew things were bad when we go from the democrat party complaining that the Marines are like a cult to where they embrace us. that means only one thing. they fought a culture war against the Corps and won.

      the feminization is complete and i blame Marines...retired and veterans (myself included) for failing to hold the line. we should have bitched more, should have spoken up.

      as it now stands i wouldn't recommend the Marine Corps to any young man that i thought had good character and morals. today's Marine Corps would ruin him.

    2. My uncle, who is retired Navy, said something similar a few months ago. He mentioned that young men today are not at all like they were 30 years ago, whereas he saw himself as invincible when he was 18, young men today are more aware of their mortality and are less aggressive today.

    3. But how does a few hundred thousand years of evolution change so quick? Is it part of some change in mating strategy perhaps? Girls want beta males who show their feeling more easily so lets give them beta male behaviour?

      Today in the supermarket a bunch of young males walked passed me; I smell them before I saw them because collectively they smelled like a perfumed whorehouse. The supermarket is on two levels to exit the store you have to take escalators, stairs, or lifts. These guys headed for the lift to go down one floor. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard the lift doors open for them. 20 years go if they had been my cadets in uniform using a lift I would have them going up down the stairs for 20 minutes to learn them not to be idle.

      Why I find it worrying it that I have never classed myself as a macho man. I am bookish and though 6ft 200lbs not really that intimidating. But I never wimped out. Clean and tidy before style. Don't be afraid to walk a distance. Carry stuff. Get wet in the rain. Don't complain about the cold. I wouldn't want to be in charge of many of this new generation out on the water or up a mountain as I know what it is like to lead (the majority of not all) girls in those situations, a royal pain in the ass.

  2. YouTube generation, garbage in=garbage out

  3. Thoughts: I saw My Dad back in the late 1950's have a flat tire on the side of the road, he said "BE DAMNED" his usually remark for such, then he got out his jack tire tool and patch kit, lifted the car with the jack, pulled the wheel, dismounted the tire using the weight of the car and the jack, took out the tube, patched the hole with his Camel tire patch kit, replaced the tube, remounted the tire remounted the wheel, pumped up the tire/tube with a hand pump, remounted the tire on the car and all while smoking a cigarette which dangled from his mouth while he squinted through the smoke.
    Away we went it took an hour.
    I've seen him and guys like him raised in the great depression and forged in WW2 do things that the youth of today would not believe and the officials would have a shit fit over. They would pull blown car and truck motors and replace them in their front yards using strong tree limbs or engine lifts from a truck. Set points and plug gaps with paper matches, stop fuel line leaks with chewing gum.
    Cut the lawn with an unguarded mower bare foot and in shorts.
    The youth of today cannot even get to school without massive logistics from school buses. They would do chores in the dark and walk to school, then walk home and do chores till dark.
    They were Men with a capitol M! My dada at 16 help his Mom give birth to his youngest brother at home when his Dad was off doing chores.
    These Marines?
    Hell, My Gunny would have shot hell out of us if we even thought about such a gay video.
    And then I see their antics and think of the Airedales of Henderson field Guadalcanal, barefoot with jungle rot and a bug that ate human toes, under fire from snipers while maintaining aircraft, washing machine Charlie and the nightly naval attack from the slot, many times the pilots dropped their bombs at the end of the runway on Japanese intent on killing them and never had to raise or lower their landing gear just fly around land and load up again.
    I think of one group of Naval aviators that were par for the course of the men of old, VT-8 Torpedo Squadron eight at Midway, the entire squadron went in without hesitating and all died but one George Gay.
    Then I see this video of these clowns and wonder if their D. I.'s were a bad a Marines as they are.
    then I shake my head and do a few repetitions of face palm.
    Like I said, My Gunny would have skinned these shit birds alive.

  4. Contrast this with Manila John Basilone.
    These assholes make me want to puke.


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