Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Snowden. I just moved from support to neutral.

I watched the Snowden interview and all I can say is wow.

What an arrogant little sniveling bitch!

This interview was the worst thing he could have done.  Quite honestly I believe that the majority of the American people believe that what he did was patriotic....but to hear him talk just rubs me the wrong way.  And no.  I can't explain it but the guy just makes me want to punch him in the face.

I still think that he did a public service, I just don't know if he did it for the right reasons.  Additionally I wonder if he could have done this a better way.

Either way I've gone from supporter to neutral.  It needed to be done but damn it, I don't think he's the poster boy we need to say that the US government has gone too far when it comes to spying on its citizens.


  1. Yeah, sure... a spy I was. Bloody Aston Martin, killer watches and Moneypenny.

    First I don't think that any professional intelligence officer or agent call themselves a "spy", someone correct me but I read that this is almost an insult for them. The word "spy" is just in movies and adventures books.

    Second, I observe in Snowden something we in Poland call "Pressure on Glass". He want to be in TV, he want to be a celebrity star, interviews, that emotions shiver and he will do anything to do that, selfies, maybe books and other stuff... T-shirts maybe. Now it's time for: I was a James Bond!

    1. you nailed it! he didn't do this as a public service. he did it to advance himself. thats what rubs me wrong. i can see this guy taking a selfie !

    2. He might be an a-hole but he hardly advanced himself ,quite the opposite he can not have anything close to normal life again. Being an exile in Russia is not something you would like to try out.

    3. i can never know but i think he imagined it would be one way and then reality forced it to be another.

      but you're right. this guy is gonna turn up dead one day waaaay before his time.

    4. Mr.T, celebrities don't exactly live normal lives in the first place. So to say that Snowden hasn't advanced himself is thinking from a normal person's point of view. Think about what Snowden has accomplished for himself from the celeb point of view. He's living in Russia on Russia's dime. He's the topic of conversation in his home country with words like hero and traitor being thrown around. He's got news agencies begging for sit downs. Edward Snowden will not be forgotten for a long long time. So offhand, I'd say he's made himself a bona fide celebrity.

    5. I don't think he will turn up dead... Given recent developments, Russia will probably extend his asylum, and having him killed inside that country would be a big show of weakness.

      If he got killed anywhere else, that would further augment his fame as a hero, and he will be viewed as a martyr. The US wants him... but not dead. Not to mention apparenetly they have a fail-safe that will release every single file if he's killed.

  2. He's a traitor to America. Has been since the beginning.

    1. i get that line of thinking but get where i'm coming from. the government along with our representatives, basically have implemented a big brother type spying scheme on us. we've all been dazzled by the bullshit of all the social issues that the administration is pushing and its kept our eyes off this important ball.

      if the threat to the homeland is so severe that it demands that we need this then they need to tell us what we're facing. they're not being honest about the threat so how can we expect honesty in what they're considering as a countermeasure to that threat.

      additionally homeland security has switched from talking about international terrorists and are now talking about veterans as being domestic terrorists.

      that sounds like mission creep to me.

  3. I have a feeling when you actually learn what he disclosed to the Chinese and Russians 10-40 years from now you'll move from neutral to "hang 'em from the nearest tree".

  4. This sniveling piece of fucking garbage handed over an ocean of secrets to our enemies, and then cherry picked unsavory projects to release to the press so he could look like a hero. Should we have to fight either the Russians or Chinese in the next 10 years, or a proxy state sponsored by one or the other, Americans will die as a direct result of what he released.

    1. That's pretty much the way I feel about it. Guy seems pretty wormy on the bits of the interview I caught. Now don't get me wrong I don't support how the government is bypassing the Constitution, people need to pay for that. But like you said, he's cherry picking to look good. Unfortunately if you believe the local news polls the public seem to be eating up all his worm shit. Little shit will probably president in 20 years the way things seem to be going these days...

  5. Was he a patriot? Initially I thought so. The whole deal with the domestic enemies and all... but now I am not so sure anymore.

    He's been burning his rope ever since he got asylum in Russia. The interview with Putin and this speech are just the cherry in the cake.

    As for the violation of the US Constitution and the spying of citizens... Greenwald is threatening to publish the names of American citizens who have been spied by the NSA.

  6. Honestly, the implications of his actions and those of 'The Guardian' newspaper in publishing this data have sent shockwaves through the intelligence community. Here in the UK GCHQ and MI5/6 are now having to restructure their intelligence gathering effort and what they choose to share with the CIA and other foriegn agencies. This man has done untold damage to the defence of the Realm and to the United States. Kim Philby set back the British security services by something like 40 years with his traitorous actions. What Mr Snowden has done makes Mr Philby's endevours look like the work of a boy scout. I kid you not!


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