Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Snowden. I just moved from support to neutral.

I watched the Snowden interview and all I can say is wow.

What an arrogant little sniveling bitch!

This interview was the worst thing he could have done.  Quite honestly I believe that the majority of the American people believe that what he did was patriotic....but to hear him talk just rubs me the wrong way.  And no.  I can't explain it but the guy just makes me want to punch him in the face.

I still think that he did a public service, I just don't know if he did it for the right reasons.  Additionally I wonder if he could have done this a better way.

Either way I've gone from supporter to neutral.  It needed to be done but damn it, I don't think he's the poster boy we need to say that the US government has gone too far when it comes to spying on its citizens.