via Foreign Policy..
Pull perimeter security while SOCOM is having drinks and cokes with the principal while you're outside basking in 140 degree sun will jade anyone.
This is only the beginning.
SOCOM is going to get raped by the accountants and they'll only have themselves to blame. Yep. SOCOM is about to get pounded.
NOTE: I'll also call a spade a spade. McRaven brought a certain "attitude" with him when he took charge and that has tainted the entire organization. Perhaps it'll change when he leaves but I doubt it. Its a joint outfit so now the culture is one. I doubt even Army Special Forces will be able to keep the SEAL attitude from infecting their ranks.
That SOCOM has assumed that they can do no wrong in the eyes of Congress simply because of the relatively recent successes in taking out high-profile terrorists is the same mistake that many with a position of power make: They overreach. People always overreach for the same reason -- because they thought they could. Money and equipment have never been better. Operational control of the special operations components of the regional commands is a dream come true for many. And special operations is the toast of the town: The take-down of bin Laden capped the result of a turn-around in special operation's fortunes that arguably began with Operation Eagle Claw in 1980 and the subsequent reforms that brought SOCOM into existence. Many have started to argue that the times are changing and SOCOM will need to be more humble and get along with others better. That admonishment, however, has fallen on mostly deaf ears: Many SOF personnel, especially at the upper levels, cannot hide their disdain for conventional forces, nor their inflated sense of themselves. This attitude is now coming home to roost.Read the entire article, but I've said it before and I'll say it again. SOCOM is 3 times the size it needs to be, requires too much fucking support, is filled with arrogant pricks and one day the bean counters will figure out that its not worth the money that is lavished on it for the missions it actually performs.
Pull perimeter security while SOCOM is having drinks and cokes with the principal while you're outside basking in 140 degree sun will jade anyone.
This is only the beginning.
SOCOM is going to get raped by the accountants and they'll only have themselves to blame. Yep. SOCOM is about to get pounded.
NOTE: I'll also call a spade a spade. McRaven brought a certain "attitude" with him when he took charge and that has tainted the entire organization. Perhaps it'll change when he leaves but I doubt it. Its a joint outfit so now the culture is one. I doubt even Army Special Forces will be able to keep the SEAL attitude from infecting their ranks.