Saturday, May 24, 2014

That Guy Just Learned an Important Lesson: Baseball Bats Don’t Always Win Fights


  1. I wonder how many of those witnesses "didn't see anything"?

  2. I would say that not only is the big guy, real BIG but the little guy is a complete idiot not notice that the big guy looks and walks like he knows how to "handle" himself in a fight....running away was the right call, he definitely shouldn't have come back with just a baseball bat and ALONE. What an idiot....

  3. Lucky for the baseball bat guy that the other one was not armed with a gun. A baseball bat in that manner charging at you is lethal force. There was no way to retreat fast enough. If he had seen him with the baseball bat sooner (again someone with a baseball bat charging you) drawing and firing would have been a justified option.

    1. thats how you know this wasn't a CCW state. you wouldn't take that kind of chance in the south or midwest. you would end up being filled with lead instead of choked out.

    2. Quite entertaining little vid ! What instantly comes to my mind is a Forrest Gump comment, with heavy Alabama accent, that is totally appropriate for this situation: "stupid is who stupid does !".
      Got to give the bigger bloke credit for keeping his calm - except for the RNC, which is neatly done, even though illegal now among certain law enforcement agencies. But, as an ordinary citizen, i'd say well done !
      As for the other guy, my diagnosis would be harsher: obvious "Wile E Coyote" syndrom, combined with severe psycho-motricity impediment ... ;-)
      Had it been anywhere in south or west, there's another old (Texan) saying that could have gotten a new meaning: "never bring a knife (or bat) to a gunfight" !

  4. Obviously the big guy knows some basic self defense techniques. He was in total control of the situation. Is there any way to know if the attacker recovers?
    I practiced Aikido for 16 years in South America, live is pretty much like in your video. What I really learn is doesn't matter if you are black belt 3th Dan. The best thing to do in that situation is to leave the scene from the beginning. The big guy was lucky that the other guy didn't come back with a gun instead of a baseball bat.

    1. Inside 21 feet even a gun wouldn't have stopped Big Bubba.

    2. Sure, like in the movies...

  5. One of things I want Mythbusters to cover is injuries from blunt instruments because TV would have you believe one tap on the head from a bat or stick is like being struck down by Excalibur and it isn't like that at all. Of course they won't cover it! Only joking.

    The idiots mistake, well second mistake after starting the fight, was not striking the big guy in the knees using both hands on the bat. And then to follow up with as many hits as possible in the shortest possible time. I think big guy would have still whooped his arse, but he would have gone down in a much more stylish and manly fashion.

  6. Some ultimate warrior series TV show had a mafia or gang related warrior against a Lutheran with an attitude or some other gawdawful match don't remember which. They took a baseball bat and stuck nails in it, struck an anatomically correct dummy with simulated skull and blood with a trauma indicator meter several times and found the nails caused the blow to roll off the skull causing only superficial flesh wounds, without the nails the blow was serious but still less than lethal, the bat apparently is designed to knock a ball away and does the skull the same way.
    As my grandson the baseball playing Jr High school student said upon viewing, "Screw the bat ya want to hurt somebody throw the ball at them" blows to the joints and extremities work better because the legs and arms are usually extended and braced like a stick or brick between supports, shins and elbows for nerve strikes but if your gonna knock somebodies brains out quickly with fewer blows use a Viking axe, a medieval mace or a shovel leave the bat at home.
    The best weapon is tactics and training as Bubba showed us.
    Nice take down by the way!

  7. Baseball bats for sale visit our website best deals guaranteed!

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