Thursday, May 15, 2014

The General Shinseki Witch Hunt. UPDATE: Vets are about to screw themselves...

Can one man be screwed by the leadership of this country twice in the span of one career?

I didn't think so, but watching the General Shinseki witch hunt makes me wonder.

General Shin is a man of honor.

The idea that he needs to resign because of the actions of some bureaucrats in the VA who abused their authority is craziness!  Everyone knows the facts.  The VA is understaffed, over worked and is suffering because of some issues that I'm well aware but won't go into.

Another thing about this issue that burns me up is the fact that a "Vets organization" kicked all this off.  I mean seriously?  Really?  I hope everyone can see that for what it is.

A power grab.

To force the man that stood up to Rumsfeld on the number of troops needed to successfully invade and pacify Iraq, was fired because of it and then believe he would turn around and ignore problems in the VA is laughable.

He deserves the benefit of the doubt.  He deserves our patience while he investigates what happened and who's responsible.

UPDATE:  I've been watching the coverage of the General Shinseki testimony and the talking heads after it.  Vets are about to screw themselves and think that they've won while doing it.  This is the very thing that some liberals, penny pinchers and big government types have been looking for.  Kill the VA Medical system and dump everyone into Medicare system!  For all those vets that are bitching now, just wait till you're part of Medicare!  This seems almost calculated now.  I hope it doesn't happen but the calls to reform the VA are getting louder and I see trouble ahead.  Not solutions but trouble.