Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The reaction to the California shooting? Expect forced mental health checks/gun confiscations...

The usual suspects are calling for even tougher gun control laws after it was found that in socialist California, the laws weren't able to prevent a shooting rampage.

The free United States...the South, the Midwest, the Rocky Mountains (parts of it) and a few Western states will never go for it.  Or if they do you can expect politicians to be fired regardless of party....


What will happen is even more ominous.

If you make even a joking statement you can expect law enforcement to arrive at your door and place you in a mental health center and to confiscate your weapons.

No more talking to your wife and girlfriend...no more joking with your buddies.  If you happen to have a falling out with a confidant and they're truly evil they'll simply tell LEOs that you made threats or are a danger to yourself and off you go.

Why do I say this?

Because Sheriffs Deputies showed up for a welfare check and they did not deem him a danger.  I predict that the choice will be taken out of their hands and if a call is made then so will an arrest.

You've been warned.  Big Brother is here and he's recruited your friends and family to spy and report on you.