Monday, May 12, 2014

Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) refuses to discuss A-10 success (Army failure) at recent exercise...

Do you remember this story by David over at War is Boring Blog?

If you don't then follow the above link, but here's a quick run down.  The US Army sent a unit to JRTC at Ft. Polk, LA and the Red Force proceeded to kick major league ass.  It was so bad that an Air Force Lt. Colonel said the following....
The Opposing Force quickly gained the advantage. “The Army got it handed to them,” Waring said. “No other way to put it.” Opfor “killed” the entire Army force twice, forcing it to “regenerate”—like getting extra lives in a video game.
I have huge respect for my bro's in the Army (one team, one fight and we all suck mud) so I was surprised to hear that one performed so poorly.

Honestly I was stumped, so I sent an e-mail to JRTC to find out exactly what happened.  Well after dealing with "Big Army" I'm becoming a bit less proud of the way that the Big Green does business.  My request got bounced around a couple of offices until it landed on the desk of Ft. Polk Public Affairs.

This is when sunshine turned to shit.

This is the response I got back...
Apologies that you had to wait a week for a reply. I am Fort Polk's media relations officer; your email should have been directed to me.
JRTC rotations are designed for training joint forces to prepare for any challenges that lie ahead. Part of that training consists of after-action reviews so joint forces can learn from their mistakes, if mistakes have been made. That's what makes a JRTC rotation one of the most valuable tools a member of our armed forces can undergo.
It's not our policy to release specific details of any given rotation.
You are, of course, welcome to file a Freedom of Information Act request.
 Are you kidding me?



A USAF Lt. Colonel is out in public basically chest thumping and high five-ing his squadron...while at the same time telling the whole world that without A-10's flying support the US Army is lost and they don't want to get there side of the story out?

I'll jump through the hoop.

I'll fill out the Freedom of Information Request.

I'll get my hands on the After Action Reports to the Units and the Brigade/Division along with the lessons learned.  But this points to something that should worry everyone.  From what we know, the Blue Force ran into a moderately technologically capable force that had helicopters in support.  Facing this threat they were easily defeated.

China is a high tech, mechanized, heavily armored force that has the backing of air assets that would make the Red Force look like Boy Scouts.

Maybe the erosion of conventional warfare capabilities has already taken hold?