Thursday, May 22, 2014

The USMC buys more AH-1Z/UH-1Y...Where do they fit in proposed operating concepts?

via Rotor & Wing
Bell Helicopter has been granted a $337-million modification to a previously awarded advance acquisition contract for the manufacture and delivery of 12 Lot 11 UH-1Y build new aircraft and 12 Lot 11 AH-1Z build new aircraft for the U.S. Marine Corps to a fixed-price-incentive for the aircraft and firm-fixed-price for the auxiliary fuel kits. Work will be performed in Fort Worth and Amarillo, Texas, and is expected to be completed in June 2017.
I've always been a fan of the Viper....less of the UH-1Y....that helicopter always seems to be in search of a mission.  But back on task.  Even if I ignore the need for the Ground Combat Element to get a replacement for the AAV.  Even if I ignore the way the Marine Corps is slow walking the upgrades for the AAV.

I'm still left with this one urgent question.

Where does the AH-1Z and the UH-1Y fit with these SPMAGTF-Crisis Response that HQMC is pushing?

They just don't have the legs or the aerial refueling capability to be useful in their premier concept for the future.

Is it about buying aircraft to fit concepts of operations or is it simply about buying aircraft?