Monday, May 19, 2014

Typhoon rocking Meteor BVR Mach 4+ Missiles...


  1. Fucking badass.

    The Meteor is possibly the best BVR missile in the world right now, and neither the F-22 or F-35 is slated to get it. There was talk of a "clipped" version for the F-35, but that's gone nowhere.

    1. Actually the F-35's getting an AESA Meteor, because Japan is trying to improve the A2A performance of 142 F-35s that it plans to buy. Since the F-35 is a terrible dogfighter, the Japanese plan is to have all engagement BVR and avoid WVR in the first place.

    2. Soooo What can the Meter do that the AIM-120 C7 / D not do?

      Both fly Mach 4, The Meteor and C are both at >60 nmi, the D is 95+ nmi range.
      They are both 12 ft long and 7 inches in diameter.
      AIM-120C is 70 lbs lighter. The D is heavier, not sure if it matches the 400+lbs Meteor.

      According to MBDA the Meteor had a "High explosive blast-fragmentation - Proximity / impact" war head, just like the AIM-120 had until 2003. New units have "Quadrant Target Detection Device" ie a directional warhead that can be fired in an 90 deg arc (near fly by hit) or all 360 (missile is head on to target) if needed.

      Please tell me what amazing feature the Meteor provides that the AIM-120 C/D cannot? I see only 1: not made in the USA. Although the motors currently are Norwegian...

  2. if the Royal Air Force is smart they'll work out a max carry package for the Meteor and work with AWACs to practice launching them at extreme long range and then leaving.....say 6 is the max load out then an attacking force composed of 20 SU-27 can be engaged by 4 Typhoons. you'll have to work out your response for leakers but if the missile matches its propaganda then at the very least they'll have to drop bomb/rockets/missiles to avoid incoming fire.

    if they can't reach target with ordnance then its a win. the US either needs to shit or get off the pot. the AIM-120D is needed NOW!

  3. Dug this up.

  4. They can be jammed.
    Better idea is to improve the range of the Aim-9X

  5. Swiss voters rejected the Gripen deal, weakening the Gripen's position in the process.

    Saab Declines After Swiss Reject $3.5 Billion Jet Order

    Saab AB (SAABB) fell the most in ten months after Swiss voters rejected a 3.1 billion-franc ($3.5 billion) order for its Gripen fighter jets in a referendum.

    The 22-plane contract, which Switzerland awarded 2 1/2 years ago, was opposed by 53.4 percent of voters, the Swiss government in Bern said yesterday. The latest survey ahead of the vote had showed some 51 percent of people opposing the transaction while 44 percent were in favor.

    1. SAAB expect that from pretty long time, solid hit for Swiss Air Force. They left with bunch of modern F/A-18 and large number of very old F-5. But Swiss social democrats are know as "hippies from Alps" they want to disarm all nation.


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