Friday, May 23, 2014

US Army selects Scorpion Camo for its Battle Dress Uniform.

Soldier Systems is reporting that the US Army has selected the Scorpion Camo for its BDUs.

Looks like multicam to me.

Ya know who's gonna be happiest about this move?  Not Soldiers but Airmen!  That awful tiger stripe monstrosity that they came up needs to be shit canned poste haste!  Oh and for those that are curious, no, the USMC will not be ditching digital...Congress can suggest but that will be fought like their is no tomorrow...especially since Amos is heading out the door (if he had another term then all bets would be off).


  1. Cool, now if they could just get rid of that awful white meter maid looking uniform that replaced the class Bs......

  2. Looks almost like the British Military

  3. don't get it twisted gents. the US Army was wearing multicam before the Brits adopted it.

  4. What a WASTE

    When I was in the US Army we had Woodland. I understand the desire to update the pattern so they went to DigiCam, Which was a FAILURE.

    They then went with MultiCam which was a good choice.

    So WHY the change to Scorpion????

    btw, here is a good comparison of Scorpion with MultiCam.

  5. I agree, Big Army really knows how to waste time and money.

    Why Scorpion? Because the Army already OWNS Scorpion. It doesn't own the MC license since Crye licenses it to mills, gear manufacturers. Big Army complained to Crye that the gear and uniforms were more expensive, but Crye pointed out that all they do is sell the license, they don't make the uniforms or gear. Big Army pissed and moaned. Crye worked out a deal with Big Army to have ACUs, gear, made near a price point competitive with UCP. Big Army pouted.

    I guess this is Big Army pulling their head out of their ass and realizing, 'Hey, we already own a MC prototype pattern'.

    From what I read, there was basically little variance in performance between the ADS, Brookstone, Crye and Kryptek patterns. I guess Army went with Crye's MC/Scorpion because they already had so much OCP that they didn't want to start over with another pattern i.e. the sunken cost fallacy. Had the other companies known that was a consideration, I'm not sure they'd have bothered.

    Big Army basically shat on the Phase IV test results and went with MC/Scorpion. What is aggravating is that Scorpion isn't quite as good as MC and wasn't part of the Phase IV testing so we don't know if it is indeed the better pattern. Big Army strikes again

    1. Actually, I was wrong. I know it happens.

      Scorpion was tested as the gov't pattern against the 4 industry patterns. It underperformed.

      "“”On Jan. 10th, the Army announced that families of camouflage patterns from one government team and four commercial vendors were selected to proceed into the next step of evaluations. As part of a cost savings strategy and as a result of initial assessments, the government submission is being removed from further consideration as a replacement to the universal camouflage pattern. This decision has been made in light of the similarity between elements of the government and one industry submission and the higher score of the industry submission during the initial evaluation…” (1)

      Later that day through some key sources, it was leaked that the Government pattern was in all likelihood their Scorpion Camouflage. (2)

      What do we know about the U.S. Army Scorpion Camouflage, very little, but in today’s internet age, even a little information can act like breadcrumbs leading us to a better understand as to why the Scorpion camouflage was removed. ”"

      Big Army f***s up again. It could have had a better industry pattern.

      I guess the consolation is that it is better than UCP. Shit, anything is better than UCP so it wasn't hard. Pathetic.

  6. Army should have went with a MarPat/AOR like pattern. I am a Soldier now that was a former-Marine and those patterns work well. Plus, it would have went along with the NDAA and the Marines will not even have to mention about giving up MarPat.

  7. Looks like the perfect uniform to go to columbia and do battle with the cartels. Especially with that hat. Button that hat on one side and what you have is an old ANZAC hat.

  8. It's why the US Army should have gone with the Canadian version of the MARPAT or Multicam.

  9. Scorpion came in 3 out of the final four in the 2004 report, behind two Army specific patterns:

    Note that the weighting of the standards in that situation was equal between Woodland, Desert, and Urban environments. Personally I think that "urban camo" is a stupid idea to begin with, as long as it isn't an eye catching color that is about the best you can hope for in an urban environment. There are just too many potential variables to make a truly universal urban camo pattern.

    1. Urban should look like khaki's and blue jeans with some yellows and reds hanging about four inches below your buttocks and a LOGO somewhere on it that says BEER!

  10. Not bad! Better than the Army universal pattern other, not as good as Multicam.
    Kinda resembles German ww2 Flecktarn.

  11. Yes, Jesus Christ I hate the ABU.


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