Monday, June 02, 2014

Bergdahl is a deserter, not a hero. We don't have to wait!

via CNN
"I was pissed off then, and I am even more so now with everything going on," said former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl's platoon when he went missing on June 30, 2009. "Bowe Bergdahldeserted during a time of war, and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him."
Yeah.  I wasn't there but Sgt Vierkant was.  He calls Bergdahl a deserter.  Then this....
At least six soldiers were killed in subsequent searches for Bergdahl, and many soldiers in his platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika province in the days and weeks following his disappearance.
Many of Bergdahl's fellow troops -- from the seven or so who knew him best in his squad to the larger group that made up the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division -- told CNN that they signed nondisclosure agreements agreeing to never share any information about Bergdahl's disappearance and the efforts to recapture him. Some were willing to dismiss that document in hopes that the truth would come out about a soldier who they now fear is being hailed as a hero, while the men who lost their lives looking for him are ignored.
This is the son of a bitch that other bloggers want me to hold judgement on?

This bastard is getting a welcome home parade while some of his team mates only got caskets and grieving parents?

Fuck that.  Bergdahl needs to go from the hospital to the brig.


  1. One of the reasons why attacks in the following weeks were on the increase is that drone assets were pulled off their normal duties to look for Bergdahl.

  2. The more I'm learning about this, the more it stinks. Sounds like DoD (at a minimum) was trying to keep it quiet as it was happening five years ago...

    Of course you have to read about it in the foreign press because our "journalists" would never tell the truth if it hurts Dear Leader.

    Between this and the VA scandal, the Obama Admin has taken a big sh1t on vets.

    And Sgt. Tahmooressi still sits in a Mexican jail... Worst he did was make a wrong turn. It's not like he deserted and then became a propaganda tool for the enemy (didn't we used to shoot soldiers over that?)!

  3. I think the correct thing to do is a full court martial for desertion, and force his hand to make him claim an insanity defence. It would show the chain of command won't tolerate law breakers, and allow him to be discharged with a dishonorable if the judge/jury feel that is the appropriate punishment, or acquit him entirely.

    1. Agree. The must be a trial or the rule of law in the military goes out the window.

  4. I'm waiting for the 5 Trojan horses we gave away to pay off.

  5. This article was written by one of the SOF types that was part of the search (scrubbed for names/units/etc)


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