Monday, June 30, 2014

Blast from the past. US Soldiers tells Iraqi Police "You're too fucking pussy to go 3 Km down the road" via Foxtrot Alpha...


Well said by this US Army Soldier.  This is old skool Army though.  He'd probably get an Article 15 for the same talk today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is too good, political correctness is what stopped them forging a proper iraqi army. Do you think sadam had soldiers that acted like this, what about stalin, no because they commanded respect, because they enforced discipline, and because they did so, they rarely needed too.

    What do you think they would do in a situation like this, what would they do to soldiers who refused to go on their patrols, to attack the enemy, to do their jobs? Do you think they would sit around and talk to them about it, discuss their feelings, call them women?


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