Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bloodiest vid yet. NSFW. This is the real ISIS.

Thanks for the vid Brunus...

Warning.  This is not for the faint of heart.  They literally cut off a man's head in this vid and mutilate several bodies.  But these are the animals that we are being asked to deal with...again.  Both sides are guilty and the only question left to ask is why should we care.

Sidenote:  I can't wrap my head around why people are still allowing themselves to be captured by these monsters.  I would force them to kill me on the spot rather than be paraded in front of cameras, bound, to be toyed with before being slaughtered like a pig.  I just don't get that.  Not being cold but factual.  Word has to have gotten out about how they treat prisoners.  Is this cultural?  Do they expect mercy from beasts?


  1. past time for the world to unite against this garbage

    1. exactly. why we haven't says more about us than i care to admit.

  2. Those fanatics are like crazy maniacs, they just don't understand what they do. Fanaticism is always evil, because it shut off your brain and you turn into a stupid machine or a wild animal.

    1. these guys need to be hunted down, tied to stakes in the middle of desert and then observed until they die. they don't deserve a quick death, they deserve something slow and painful.

      the sheer glee in killing is shocking. i can understand joy from surviving an encounter. i can understand seeing it as work that needs to be done, but these bastards are on a whole new level.

    2. The fanatics are not always bad... but religious fanatics, shit those are the worst kind of human beings ever created. No mater of what religion, they will do the most brutal, crazy, mad shit and they still be good with it because "God" say so.

    3. They feel impunity and they think they're right killing unarmed people with brutality and glee. After what they did I agree with you Sol.

    4. Shas, yes, there are special cases when a fanatic can do something useful and heroic for someone, but in most cases such people can do also something bad when they are out of their mind.

  3. You're always like, "I can handle it! How bad could it be?" And then you see it...

  4. I don't care. What I want, more than anything, is for the United States Federal Government to tell the WORLD, to fuck off. NATO, free trade agreements, US aid... all of it ended. Also post a notice that for every American murdered by a foreign government will result in 10000 of their citizens being vaporized, blown up, and or poisoned.

    No more occupation, nation building, hand holding... Pay for your own defense and security. Liberty can't be given, and we have precious little of our liberty left as it is.

    1. extremely well said. i agree 1000%!

    2. You can tell the world to fuck off... then your economy will collapse in a week, trade agreements broken, no more cash, no more export or import, no more everything. Remember, that if you want to fuck the world, world will fuck you.

      And don't worry, if you want the world to fuck off there will be no american citizen of foreign land, in the "fuck off" politic every travel outside the US will be forbidden by the law. Of course the "fuck off" politic will also mean canceling of all passports of US citizens. So no problem with that.

    3. disagree. if we decided to follow that idea we'd be in for about 5 years of pain. but to be honest the US is pretty much in a unique position. we're almost a self contained economy. what do we actually need from the other nations? rare earth minerals and maybe oil. but we're having an oil boom currently and are beginning to export oil! so no. when it comes to needs we don't have to look outside the border.

      certain luxury items and cheap shit from China is what we're getting but we don't have to have it.

      all it takes is a little courage and we could make it happen. FTW!

    4. Impossible Sol, that train leave the station long time ago. The US as any other highly developed country on the world is connected in highly complex economic and banking system. Cut that connections and you just hang yourself... tell me, how many US "cash" own not US banks, mainly China? Trade value of US is 2013 was about 5 trillion dollars... if you lost that in one day how many company's will collapse in US?

      No Sol, you are not self sufficient. You are too highly developed country to be self sufficient any more. I'ts impossible to anyone.

    5. you're talking about an artificial construct based on markets that no longer adhere to real world conditions. the US economy shrank by 2.9% in the first quarter. did we see a massive sell off in the stock market? no. its business as usual. China trade? its a fiction. the US people were sold on free trade but what we're not seeing is fair trade.

      and the fiction is being sold by both Democrats and Republicans. additionally and probably most importantly is the fact that the world economic system as its designed DOES NOT benefit the US.

      the rest of the world would be properly fucked but we could weather the storm. thats the thing that scares most people outside the US. they hate us but understand that we're getting to the point of saying just that. fuck the world. we can agree to disagree but understand this simple truth.

      more and more Americans are saying fuck the world, lets just take care of ourselves. even our friends make digs at us (remember what your Ambassador said recently?) so why should we care anymore?

    6. Sure, we are connected. As Ross Perot said, " We have got to stop sending jobs overseas. It's pretty simple: If you're paying $12, $13, $14 an hour for factory workers and you can move your factory South of the border, pay a dollar an hour for labor,...have no health care—that's the most expensive single element in making a car— have no environmental controls, no pollution controls and no retirement, and you don't care about anything but making money, there will be a giant sucking sound going south.
      ...when [Mexico's] jobs come up from a dollar an hour to six dollars an hour, and ours go down to six dollars an hour, and then it's leveled again. But in the meantime, you've wrecked the country with these kinds of deals."

      As far as not being self sufficient... bullshit. We are big enough to provide almost everything we need for ourselves. Who do you think made everything we needed from around the 1830s to the 1950s? There is nothing we can't do, and unlike China, we can feed ourselves. Sure, there will be a pretty large fall in the standard of living, as the massive levels of debt we have built up is deleveraged. It might take decades to rebuild, but we will be better off as real capitalism comes back, unlike this mixed economy we have now that reeks more and more of socialism, and Reagan's voodoo economics.

      They won't do that though. Instead, we are going to continue to spend beyond our means, stack another 40 or 60 trillion dollars of debt on top of the 61.5 trillion we owe now. Then we will have the TEOTWAWKI moment. No predictions, just a reminder that it will be exponential, and therefore it will be far too late to do anything about it. It's probably too late now.

      The only consolation I can find is that we will be far from alone. As they say, misery loves company.

    7. Sol, Free trade is not Fair trade... in other words, there is no fair trade, buy cheap, sell high and earn money. The world is connected to that level that any type of massive withdraw will effect large fallout on whole globe. You can say that US will survive this, that's your opinion but it will not. The world economy will take a blow but they will compensate with time working alongside other regional economy's. The US will not.

      What would be a black scenario of "fuck off" with all heavy shit.

      - All American citizens are ordered to return to there US mainland and any other US territory.
      - All Non-American citizens will be deported.
      - All American company's will be ordered to withdrawn every asset from outside the borders of US.
      - All foreign company's will be ordered to withdraw every asset from territory of US.
      - All export and import of everything will be cut, massive transit ports will be close, every factory and company that is build on exporting good's closed. Every contracts canceled, every large cargo ship put on infinite storage (you don't need them anymore)
      - All airlines will be forbid to leave US airspace with only single air corridors towards US overseas territory's.
      - All diplomatic and cultural connections will be severed with closing of every embassy.
      - Cut of communication with outside world.
      - Cut connection with global banking system.
      - Cut connection with global net with only regional systems still standing...

      Oh we can go on and on and one with that. with those and many more repercussions you will create almost perfect "North Korea" scenario for gov. you will enter in to excellent background for a nation wide Police State that you are so afraid of. Some of your Constitutional rights will be suspended and that's just a open door to more of this type of action.

      @I don't agree with TheRequimen but I will agree with this will hit pretty hard in the "standard of life" department. And I think you will admit that Americans are almost fanatics in case of there standard of life, try to take even one bit of that from them and... well, you can see a "Black Friday" in every day.

      Again we can agree that we disagree, I sustain my opinion, if any highly developed country would try to go in to full "fuck off" isolationism it will collapse really fast no mater where it lie.

      Ah and that was not an ambassador but Foreign Minister, and he speak specific about Obama Administration before the Ukrainian crisis. I think that you rather would agree with him, this is the most balls-free-zone administration of US in pact couple of decades.

    8. I have been saying that for years....we need to pull back to our borders, protect ourselves. We, as a Nation, are growing broke defending our "allies" (exception of the Japanese) while they cut their defense budgets to the bone. The gratitude we recieve for laying our national treasure, reputation, and more importantly, our sons and daughters is nonexistant.

      We need to start calling a spade a spade. No more pussy footing around a subject. China is a threat. Period. Fanatical Islam is a threat. Period.

      I am getting tired.

  5. There are too many people in the world. In 2000 the world hit 6billion people, 2011 we hit 7 billion - 1 billion people added in about a decade!!! And this isn't happening in 1st world countries, this is happening in cluster-fucked backwards sewage festering shit dens of the world (Africa, Middle East, the 'stans', India, China, and Indonesia). If humanity was more responsible they would understand that if you can't pay for your children and feed them with your own hands then you SHOULD NOT BE BREEDING.

    So the only thing you should asking yourself is.... How do I get mine :)

  6. It is stuff like this makes me wonder why I had to memorize the code of conduct. The last time the Marines fought an enemy that treated us decently if you surrendered was Imperial Germany in 1918. Since that time captured Marines could look forward to either being tortured to death or executed.

    Just fight to the death.

    1. spot on, but the thing that has me wondering what the fuck is how meekly these guys go to their deaths. the guy that got his throat slit didn't even fight back. didn't stuggle, just took it. i don't understand that.

    2. I've watched many of these kinds of videos and people NEVER fight back. I've seen exactly ONE guy that fought a little and then ran away, but they caught him and killed him anyway (Chechnya, I think it was). They ALWAYS just sit there and take it.

      I don't know what it is that allows them to do that. Paralyzing fear maybe? IDK...

      This video is VERY graphic. If you notice, the guy on the left gets hit in the arm with the chainsaw and barely flinches.

  7. They are promised a "worse death" if they resist... Never surrender : fight to death with that enemy.
    How many irakis surrender anyway ? 7000 ?

  8. "Do they expect mercy from beasts?"

    Its not so much mercy, but there are rules, uncodified, but rules none the less, that govern how the various arab (broadly defined) tribes and clans interact.
    They might seem bizare to you and me, but they are normal to them

    ISIS are breaking those rules, or establishing new ones. As yet, its unclear (to me) why some Iraqi units have been allowed to flee unmolested, some have been disarmed and sent home, others have been slaughtered. Theres possibly a pattern, or maybe not, foreigners tend not to know the rules and kill everyone.

    "spot on, but the thing that has me wondering what the fuck is how meekly these guys go to their deaths. the guy that got his throat slit didn't even fight back. didn't stuggle, just took it. i don't understand that."
    Couple of possibilities
    They've already broken, the lights are on but no ones home.
    They dont release the footage if people fight back


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