Saturday, June 14, 2014

Border crises epiphany...

I just realized something about the border know, the one...where kids are crossing by the thousands.....

If a child, in many cases a toddler with her mother can make it across our border then certainly some hardened terrorists can too.

We're gonna get hit and we're gonna get hit hard.  Our borders are wide open.


  1. Of course they can get in! If millions of people in the U.S. illegally could do it and "hide in the shadows" then why not a terrorist or 100 terrorists?

  2. They cross the river to escape terrible situations at home and are apprehended.

    1. i don't buy it. that seemed like a quick and ready excuse but the Guatamalean ambassador pretty much killed that explanation. what did the bleeding hearts fall back on? Coyotes were spreading the fiction that they could come here and get amnesty. funny thing? its working. additionally if you ask the American public what are the burning issues of the day, immigration reform is so far down that it might as well not be on the poll. and last but not least why do we need so many more foreign workers when we already have an employment problem? the non-participation rate is at an all time high yet they're claiming we need more workers! its just a scheme to depress wages and keep this abomination known as globalization rolling just a little while longer. won't matter in the end. we're headed toward another recession as we speak. the oil price spike that will come from the Iraq crisis will see to that and then you'll see another wave of layoffs and then the American people will be in a sour mood.

      i can't wait!

    2. Don, their reasoning to move accross the borders is of little importance in this. It's the ease of getting in the US that is the scary part. Nothing is really stopping people with ill intent from joining the party.

      I am all for inviting immigrants if the native people of a country are well-off, but otherwise it's a recipe for disaster.

  3. Don't forget there are jihadist south of the boarder converting the Mexicans then sending them here.

    1. you know why Islam is gaining favor while Christianity is being seen by some as irrelevant? its because so many of our churches are yielding to pressure to accept the unacceptable. how can the bible have changed so much from my child hood? homosexuality was once considered a sin, now its accepted? i'm not talking about how the government sees it but how the church itself views things! i mean seriously the only thing i can say thats good about these Islamic fucks is that they believe what they believe and don't give a damn what anyone thinks.

      but the bigger problem is that these fucks run a major religion and that religion is a cancer eating away at what is trying to be good.

      cancer is either irradiated, chemically destroyed or cut out. the same should apply to the cancer called Islam.

    2. Yes, I am sure Catholic Mexicans are converting into Islam because the Church recognizes Gay people.

    3. you took my statement to its most obscene place you could go without acknowledging the bigger issue.

      the Church is no longer fighting a moral battle against immorality, instead it has in some cases condoned it. if you had said that the Church tolerated pedophile priests then you would be closer to where i was trying to go....but i'll dance on the gay issue.

      how do you reconcile the fact that the bible preaches against it, yet today the church accepts it?

    4. I am sorry If my comment offended you. I did not mean it in the offensive way.
      However, as regards your Paedophile priests, that is something thats wrong with every religious preacher organization, not just the Church. Solomon, More people have been killed in the name of GOD than any other cause or weapon. Including the Nuclear bomb and the Kalashnikov and the MG-34/42. People do un-imagninable things using god as justification or hiding behind him when people try to prosecute.
      This isnt new, it has been going on since people, yes.....People Invented God. And they invented GOD in their own Image rather than God creating us in his/her image.

    5. If you want to know my belief, I take to the core original beliefs of Hinduism even though I am a Sikh.
      The core belief that God is nothing but our representation of Energy. A higher force. An energy that cant be created, cant be destroyed but can be converted from one form to another or the basis of Physics.
      Thats why Hindu gods have sooo many avatars and soooo many gods to begin with. 33 million gods at last count cause they are not gods but transformations/conversions of energy. In effect, people here like me are worshipping Pure Energy. You might consider is Science Fiction but it is real life here. One of the Most revered gods here is Hanuman. His father was PAWAN who was the God of wind. WInd is a kind of energy. Early sail boat traders used to worship wind, a form of energy. We have a GOD/Spokesman/Mascot for almost all transformations of energy. Hence the almost unlimited gods.

  4. Not quite, but f'ing scary none the less.


  5. They don't need to illegally cross the border.Obama and his progressive comrades will take them in as refugees. Or something to that effect.

  6. They can cross at will, and that is scary, but it will probably become truly scary when they last troops leave Afghanistan and Iraq. Russia didn't start seeing major Islamic terrorist activity until after it left Afghanistan. They waited until they had their home turf under control then they hit Russia at home.

    1. Thats because the the Soviets back then and the Russians now are common bordered with a lot of Islamic countries unlike USA. And also, unlike the USA, the Russians were stomping their Athiest Communism over some internal areas which were Demographically populated by majority muslims. From Islamic Militancy, USA is still Fortress USA. And you can be proud of that.

  7. Your thinking is spot on, Sol. I do believe border control will get uber tight if a terrorist attack does happen, tho. Might be too late by then, however...


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