Monday, June 23, 2014

Brazil's Elite B.O.P.E. get South African Internal Security Vehicles...

These vehicles adapted according to the requirements defined in tests and reviews the Special Police Operations Battalion (BOPE) and Police Battalion Shock (SHOCK) of PMERJ and Coordination of Special Resources (CORE) of the Civil Police, version were acquired by SESEG (Department of State Security of Rio de Janeiro), for major events to be held in this State, after intensive reviews of the Military and Civil Police officers and a very troubled bid by the attempt to offer a lower priced vehicles, but totally inadequate to the function.
Google translate lets us down a bit but long story short, Brazil just got their elite heavy hitters some new rides.

Off topic but has anyone else noted how desperate nations all over the planet are to beef up their internal security forces?  I can't explain it but it really appears that leaders everywhere are as nervous about internal threats as they are about outside forces. 


  1. Not everywhere but that's indeed a trend to beef up Police in to more heavy armed force. In one way it's driven by more and more dangerous criminals equip with heavy weapons and military class training. Other is that civil unrest is start to show on whole word in more intense level in last decades.

    I smell in couple of next decades a global war, this is scary shit but heat is going up every year and finally it will rise to the melting point.

    1. its not about heavily armed criminals , ist the people goverments are afraid off ,economic hardship hit the poor hard all the while we read on how numbers of milionares and bilionares is rising ,elites are afraid of common man and that is why police forces are beefing up .

    2. That reason can be only apply to a small number on nations or governments. Rest are rather beef against more heavy armed criminals, just like the creation of specialized SWAT teams against more organized criminal groups.

  2. The PMRJ (Military Police of Rio de Janeiro) and PMSP (MP of São Paulo) truly require near-military level hardware because of the enviroment they work with. One mistake and they die. The PMPA (MP of Pará) also follows the same trend.

    Other, more peaceful states, do not follow such a big level of militarization, tho they do have some very good equipment.

    I AM surprised with the level of security my country is capable of providing during such big events but is unable to do it regularly. Every single one of our security forces is being used to guard the World Cup.


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