Monday, June 02, 2014

F-35 News. Spain keeps Harriers...delays indefinitely its buy of F-35s...

Thanks Doug for the link....

via Defense Aerospace...
According to Spanish Navy sources consulted by El Confidential Online, the F-35B "continues to be an unattainable aspiration in economic terms." In 2010, the Navy headquarters announced that it intended to procure 15 to 20 of these aircraft. These plans have now been parked indefinitely.
However, according to the navy sources, the Navy command nonetheless managed to outline a financial plan that would have allowed it to buy a few F-35Bs, but it was finally shot down by the Defence staff because of its cost.
Read the entire article but once again the stark reality of the F-35 raises its ugly head.

The plane costs too damn much.

Spain made the only reasonable decision considering their economy at the present time.  Quite honestly Italy, the Netherlands, Canada and the UNITED STATES should follow their lead.

If the economy was booming that would be one thing, but with it looking like we're facing a global recession this kind of money being spent on a questionable airplane is foolish. 


  1. There is no plane to procure, really, since it's still deep in development with many shortcomings. And why procure a prototype, at a high price, which can't be immediately delivered to the purchaser and under the best of conditions will at least require one or more expensive retrofits in future years? Only a dedicated US puppet would commit to such a procurement.

    The cornerstone of the F-35 program was its low cost. The program was sold using affordability as its battle cry. It doesn't perform well, so low cost was the main reason for the F-35. That factor no longer exists, if it ever did.

  2. The F-35 orders for the ROKAF may be cut from 40.

    The latest word is that the KFX co-development negotiation with Lockheed Martin fell apart because of Lockheed Martin's insistence that the KFX be a F-16 replacement and not the twin engine jet required by the ROKAF, and that Lockheed wants the full control of subsystem selection, meaning Northrop AESA and Lockheed EO instead of Korean AESA and EO.

    Because of this, there will be a new KFX co-development partner selection bidding held between Boeing and Airbus Military(former EADS) this fall. These two bidders are expected to demand that the Korean government buys a certain number of their jets as the pre-condition of bidding, meaning the F-35 order numbers has to be cut in order to make funding available for either the F-15SA or the Typhoon.

    1. The ROK "F-35 procurement plan" was always (and still is) a pipe dream for many reasons, two being that ROK didn't understand the program and under FMS the price would have to be negotiated. It would be high and they can't afford it.

      According to one press release, the ROK expected to procure the F-35A equipped with the final combat-capable Block 3-F software "which is to be completed in late 2016" but the final software suite for full combat capability, Block 3F, is expected in 2017, and that's dreaming.

    2. It would be soo much simpler for the South Koreans to partner the Russians in the Su-50 development.

  3. Full combat capability?

  4. You seem to have missed this reality check that Spain is in the middle of.

    They are debating if they are going to keep or sell the carrier. Why would the by a new air craft when the do not know if they are going to keep the ship.

  5. The way Spain is right now Economically, I was surprised they even found the money to modernize the Harriers.


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