Monday, June 02, 2014

Finally seeing some World of Tanks success...

Yeah I'm only touching on the normal range in the last 48 hours but its better than the lousy I was rocking....Oh and spare me the drama about being top tier in this game...I've been on the prey side of these games for waaaaay too long.  Unlocked the T57 Heavy.  Fear my auto-loading cannon of destruction!

Sidenote:  I was playing on a laptop.  I bought a moderately priced desktop and thats the key.  Hardware plays a huge role in how successful you'll be in this game.  After checking out the "WOT gurus" I found they're all rocking these 5K gaming rigs!  Thats the missing ingredient between average and great on this game.


  1. Well Sol if you in the future would like to try play less Arcade and more Simulation ( without health bar ) then I invite you to War Thunder. It's for now mainly air combat ( that's in my opinion is way superior then WoP ) but we now enter in open beta for ground forces. For now only German and Soviet trees but in the future they will enter with other nations. Try it, still F2P and not P2P like WoT.

    1. i just can't get with the War Thunder scheme. it seems like camp central. i'm hyper aggressive...hey diddle straight up the middle kinda player!

    2. Ah so you are Arcade type of player sol, shame on you! :D

      If you ever want to play with big boys, War Thunder will be waiting for you. ;D

  2. Congrats Sol. T57 heavy is a very strong tank. I'm also playing WoT, but unfortunately I'm in the russian claster and I can't play together with foreign users presently. However that feature must be added in one of patches in the future.

    1. thats probably a good thing. from what i can tell the Russian players take the game super serious! that would be like clubbing seals!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You are right that russian players have a better game skill in the game for a variety of reasons. But they are also more aggressive and there are many misanthropes among them:)

  3. Nice going Sol. T57 is a good machine. What tanks lines are you grinding down?

    1. i'm doing the US autoloader, heavy (T32-T110E5) and the pathetic TD line. in the German line i'm just going after the E-50M and the E75. in the Russian heading down the IS7 tree. i've mostly been playing the US tanks and have the autoloaders down pretty good. the advantages outweigh the disadvantages...around 1600 damage per clip can destroy most tier 8 and 9 tanks.

      the supposedly great T32 is pissing me off though. its expensive, has a lousy gun and its just not that great at anything.

  4. Glad to see you're making some progress! I decided to take a break from WoT and try War Thunder for a while. I'm surprised you haven't started going down the French autoloader line as well. I've got the Batchat and I can confirm that it is an excellent tier 10 tank for those into autoloaders, even if the grind leading up to it sucked ass most of the time.

    I also think you've made a good decision on the T-57 Heavy. It's my favorite tank it feels leagues better than the T54E1 to use. It's a true titan among titans in tier 10 matches. I wish you more success, man!

  5. Play WoT on Xbox. Hardware advantages neutralized.

  6. Soo much talk about video games and still no mention of Arma 3 or Battlefield 4 ?......Shame on all of you.


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