Friday, June 27, 2014

ISIS parades captured Iraqi Army (American made) Gear...

Thanks for the photos Mr. T...

So what do we see in the above photos?

A quick glance shows Armored Security Vehicles...the US Army MP's vehicle of choice...I see MTVRs...the prime mover and surrogate APC for the USMC...I see a couple of those airborne light howitzers (forgot what they're called).M 198 Howitzers (thanks John)..and numerous US trucks.

We see this and yet we're now about to arm the Rebels in Syria?

American foreign policy is in chaos.

More here....


  1. We can train, arm and equip hundreds of thousands of foreign soldiers, but if they don't believe in why they are fighting or aren't being led by dedicated, capable people, it won't do one bit of good.

    The Sunni triangle is collapsing just like Mali did last year.

  2. Saddam is not looking so bad now, eh...

    1. No Saddam had to go, and the equipment then was Russian.
      This stuff is High tech American, it takes maintenance these clowns don't got or the stuff falls apart and degrades.
      Kinda like the Iranian F-14 acquisition.
      The Iraqi, MiG 25 if your people cannot maintain anything above a camel the stuff is useless.

    2. careful, the Iranian technicians have worked miracles with their 1970s era American gear

  3. Wrong questions .

    You should ask why has this parade not been bombed or strafed buy ither us or iraqi airforces

  4. sadan killed and the safe opened pandora's box now bo sadan was feared
      feared and respected, unfortunately the U.S. lost the thread.
      have power and do not know how to apply loses respect.
    'm Brazilian.
    I do not speak English

    1. You did fine Amigo, and I understand what you said and agree.

  5. My Grand Father used to tell me about the First Kashmir Conflict in 1948. Thousands of Afghan/Paki tribesmen invaded the then Sovereign Monarchy of Kashmir. We used to call these barbarians Afridis and Pashtuns in short.
    Same tactics, rape the women, kill the men, carry off the children so that they can be indoctrinated. Tribalism at its worst. Our very first combat airlift as an independant nation was done using both military and civil aircraft, right into the town of Baramulah. But that was a completly different military. WW2 Veterans. Even the Civil Airline Pilots were Ex-Indian Airforce. It takes a special kind of daring to take Stuart Tanks to 12000 feet above sea level and beyond.
    I never get tired of that story.
    It gives me confidence that no matter what happens, if we dealt with that collosal problem coupled with partition back then, in 1947...when we werent even a single entity, FTW..........We can do it now again.

  6. Those ISIS fanatics are really in to a propaganda machine, vid's a parades... I ever read somewhere that some other groups call them too "Hollywood" 0_o

  7. It's a back door arms deal ala Fast and Furious.


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