Thanks for the photos Mr. T...
So what do we see in the above photos?
A quick glance shows Armored Security Vehicles...the US Army MP's vehicle of choice...I see MTVRs...the prime mover and surrogate APC for the USMC...I see a couple of thoseairborne light howitzers (forgot what they're called).M 198 Howitzers (thanks John)..and numerous US trucks.
We see this and yet we're now about to arm the Rebels in Syria?
American foreign policy is in chaos.
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So what do we see in the above photos?
A quick glance shows Armored Security Vehicles...the US Army MP's vehicle of choice...I see MTVRs...the prime mover and surrogate APC for the USMC...I see a couple of those
We see this and yet we're now about to arm the Rebels in Syria?
American foreign policy is in chaos.
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