Monday, June 16, 2014

Know your enemy. ISIS in action.

Don't avert your eyes.

Drink it in.

Understand the reality of this situation.  Thousands of people are being systematically exterminated.

There are no good guys in this situation...just evil..on both sides.  

The only solution?

Let the Middle East burn.

The vid is below.  Be warned.  Its not for those that are weak, sensitive or are not aware of the reality of the world...


  1. These motherfuckers have to die now!

    1. my thoughts exactly. no one is talking about this. they're only trying to defend the administration when it doesn't matter who's to blame, we have to deal with this situation.

  2. The murderers should be dispatched with a swiftness. The people who make crappy music videos out of atrocity collages should spend an afternoon with the electrified nipple clamps, and then be dispatched with a swiftness.

    1. i got one even better. stake them down in the swamp, cover them with fish guts and what for the alligators to get the scent and finish the job...

    2. teach them the BUDS drown-proofing technique in a swimming pool full of Clorox bleach

  3. The US with its ally Saudi Arabia has supported these radicals. It started in Afghanistan against the Russians, then in Libya against Gaddafi, then in Syria vs Assad and now in Iraq which along with Syria is allied to Iran, a US enemy.

    Anyhow, war is hell. People die. Reportedly these were Iraqi soldiers who shed their uniforms and ran.

    1. they obviously didn't run far enough.

    2. It would be great if US for once turned on the guys bankroling all these nutjobs from Saudi Arabia and Katar ,remember you had the same story with 9/11 attackers ,invade iraq and Afghanistan but just about all the 9/11 guys were Saudis and also bankrolled by Saudis.

    3. Well, everyone can second guess and be a Monday morning QB. When we lend our support to mujahedeen for their fight against the Soviet, can you read the crystal ball and predict Taliban of the future? I don’t think so. Please stop whining about this “it’s all the US fault” non-sense BS.

    4. Hell Don these idiots are running now to their death and know they are going to die, yet they run to it like it was a lover's embrace.
      They want it as bad as those who are giving it to them, and those who kill today will run to their deaths the same way in days to come the entire place and culture is shithouse crazy for death.

  4. wonder if they're using any of that ammo in those snuff-vids that was ghost-ordered through the DHS. IMHO, these radicalized, bloodthirsty, illiterate muslim animals of the ISIS are doing to Iraq what they were initially trained to do to Assad's forces in Syria, had Putin not put his cards on the table to make the US taxpayer-funded forces back off.

    So now we (that is, the CIA and CFR) are going to deliver Iraq's head on a platter to the Saudis in order to be right on Iran's border, split Iran and Syria to consolidate Syria at a later date against Putin's warnings, and to allow the Saudis to assume control of Iraq's oil production and exporting to prop-up the petrodollar Ponzi scheme for a few more years.

    Meanwhile the radicalized Sunni ISIS is ethnically cleansing Iraq of every moderate, Shia, Druze, Christian, westerner that their advance can overrun and capture....and OUR government is doing it.

  5. Two Armored BCTs, one Stryker BCT and a HCAB supported by a couple wings of F-16s, a wing of A-10s and a few orbit for persistent drone coverage.

    Don't tell anybody, just deploy the task force to eastern Jordan, cross the border and wade into the fuckers in the middle of the night.

    1. to what end? do you know why we keep having these militarily successful but ultimately diplomatically doomed overseas adventures?

      because we keep trying to nation build!

      i say we take off and nuke them from orbit. its the only way to be sure...

    2. Yeah, it'd be kicking shit for the sake of kicking shit.

      The longer you stay there, the more it turns into a tar baby

    3. don't get me wrong. i understand the sentiment. do a Thunder Run throughout the entire country laying waste to everything and everyone...the only problem is that the bleeding hearts will want us to stay and help them rebuild.

      thats' where i get off the train. we've tried with these people. enough is enough.


    4. Paralus,

      Yesterday I watched a video on youtubed edited by the ISIS. I believe that these guys are ''too well trained'' for such a small task force of yours. These guys are professionals with red beard and blue eyes (Chechens and Daghestanis), not a bunch of silly muj from Afghanistan.

    5. The anti-Iraq force is not monolithic. Besides ISIS, it reportedly also includes many officers/NCOs from the old Iraqi army the US unwisely disbanded in 2003 as well as the "Awakenung" Sunni tribes that the US funded during the 2007 surge but were later dropped by Maliki.

    6. Floggin, Psychopaths, functional lunatics, sadistic to a degree not seen anywhere else on earth outside an insane asylum for the criminally insane.
      The victims as guilty as the killers, submitting to capture and death like sheep led to a slaughterhouse and the civilian population stands and watches as if it was an entertainment.
      This area if not nuked from orbit needs at least to be walled off under a Stephen King styled dome and labelled as a bio hazard.

  6. news:
    Obama Poised to Send Special Forces to Iraq
    White House Insists They Won't Count as 'Combat Troops'

    This sorta reminds me of Obama's "AfPak" where the US supports Pakistan which backs the Taliban killing US troops. Here the US/Saudi alliance backs extremist wahhabi-like takfiris in Syria/Iraq and it is going to send in "non combat" troops against them.

    And not one of the US's nine hundred flag officers ever stands up and says: This is wrong.
    Of course none of them is ever in any danger.
    Although MajGen Petraeus did "earn" the BS w/V when a stray mortar round landed fifty yards away in Iraq in 2003.

    1. "And not one of the US's nine hundred flag officers ever stands up and says: This is wrong."

      The ranks have been purged of anyone with that kind of moral conviction. They are all politicians now. How can I be so sure? Because we would have had a coup in the US if it were otherwise.

      If you think I'm exaggerating I would point out the overt acts of treason committed by this administration. The least of which is arming and supporting ISIS/ISIL.

    2. It's members are groomed and selected based upon their ability to say, "Yes, sir, can do" and then STFU which they try to call 'doing their duty'. They don't want to promote independent thinkers or people who say, "No, that's not doable" or "No, that's just wrong" or "no, but consider this other option"

      It's a bureaucratic institution that faces no competition and was given a nearly inexhaustible budget for over 60 years. We got what we paid for...mediocrity

  7. Watching the news last night they had one of their videos on. Fat guy with clean hands torturing Iraqi soldiers. Fat guy had trouble understanding the Iraqi soldiers because, as the news reporter pointed out, fat guy sounded like he came from North Africa. Here in the UK if you say North Africa is a threat you are accused of being a bit deluded. All that has happened since the Arab Spring is that illegal immigrant numbers, those crossing the Med, have gone up. There countries are supposedly free now and the first thing they do is leave. Some of them may be genuine in their desire to get a better life. But many just want to bring us the West down and hide amongst the supposedly innocent. Many of whom want our money and our amenities but don't want our culture. The supposedly innocent even if they are not actively engaged still provide succour a permissive environment for the extremists to operate within. Them or us. Them or us. A reckoning is coming.

  8. It ain't over 'til it's over. There will be some adjustments on the battlefield. Shiite Iran has a vital interest in retaining Iraq as a close ally (thank you, Uncle Sam) and Iraq is 75% Shiite. Baghdad itself has few Sunnis left, most of them were purged during the 2007 surge.

    The first Iranian casualty has been announced here.

    Meanwhile the news is "Crises in Iraq and elsewhere send oil prices soaring" so what's not to like.

  9. Iraqi gunship helos in action over Mosul here.

  10. We spent over 1.7 trillion dollars (and still counting) plus the lives of thousands of US service men in Iraq. And now it’s time to let it blow up? What about our investment, flush down to the toilet and just write it off? Hell NO!

    1. so you're saying spend another 1.7 trillion dollars, loss thousands more Marines and Soldiers and spend another 10 years in this god forsaken country because we've already invested so much there?

      are you smoking crack?

      when do you say enough is enough. to me that time came long ago. let it burn. or help it burn but no more US treasure in this backwards country.

    2. @adaptus primus
      You do understand that Iraq, as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom, exercised its freedom and became a firm ally of Iran, its traditional antagonist and war opponent, and also a US enemy. Despite past difference the two nations share a close religious affiliation, and they now get along fine.

      No doubt, the fact that the US has covered up this failure and pretends that Iraq is still a allied puppet government has led some people astray, including more than a few in Congress.

      So I believe that we can depend upon Iran to help straighten matters out.

      As for the US,
      You've got to know when to hold 'em
      Know when to fold 'em
      Know when to walk away
      And know when to run

    3. No, let them kill each other, it was a waste, My kin lost a man there, My son served there, my nephews and my brother, we all say the same, it wasn't going to turn out any other way, it was always a forelorn hope and muslim's will always be Muslim's and this is all they know how to do things, this is what they love, live for and want, bloodshed and misery.
      let them have it at least no American is dying there now.
      let the fucking shithole burn.
      let them all fucking die by their own fucking bloody hands.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Meanwhile here in the US people are in an uproar because a young boy wore make up that made him look like a girl to the DMV and the DMV made him remove his make up so he would look more like himself instead of a girl.
    Hate and love for the boy, hate for the DMV hate for Liberals, and conservatives all on CNN almost 10,000 comments.
    And here across death's other river, the ISIS shoot unarmed men and boys to death in a ditch, and not a peep is heard anywhere.
    It's because this, is what Islam is, this is what the Religion of Peace does.
    I say let them kill each other, but ya know what? Soon this will be in the US back yard, against whom ever the government feels deserves it.
    Don't believe me? Hell they lost the IRS emails that would incriminate the government of a criminal behavior and nobody says a word, Illegal immigrants are flooding the border in an unarmed invasion and no one says a word.
    let the middle east burn for sure but once started a fire tends to spread.


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