Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lexington Institute's Dr. Goure strikes hard at "women in combat"!

via Lexington Institute...
What would be the result of the gender diversity mafia demanding that at least 20 percent of all the slots on the U.S. World Cup Soccer Team be reserved for women? This is basically what they are demanding of the U.S. military: open up positions in combat units, including infantry, to women whether they want them or not and regardless of standards of performance.
If this country did to our World Cup Soccer Team what it is doing to its military the outcry would be deafening. Shame on us all for not treating our service personnel and their institutions with the same respect, care and support as we devote to our sports stars and their teams.
A few things....

First, it is as I suspected...women will be pushed into combat roles despite their not being capable of performing to the same standards as men.  This is the biggest confirmation of what's coming.  Goure wouldn't be going after this unless he knew what was coming down the pike.

Second, sequestration is going to continue and the cuts that we've seen up to this point are going to look like the good ole' days.

Last, read the entire article here.  Pretty sobering stuff if he's even half right. 


  1. All will be good until a lot of girls get killed and the military starts to lose battles, then women will be quietly transferred to Rear areas for jobs that are not front line combat, MP, base security and such.
    Politics works in wars but fails miserably on the actual battle field.
    Wait till the girls start coming home in boxes and watch what happens.
    Captured and used in rape and beheading videos.
    Sold as slaves on the open markets in Tehran and Baghdad.
    Then, this idiocy will fade away.

    1. These feminist are G@ddamn fools.
      These feminist will not be front line anything.

  2. Sorry, guys, your machine gunner is on maternity leave, you'll just have to make do.

  3. Let's be "real" about what this is about. Many see the military as just another civil service job that should be open to anyone (soon to include transponders) and they figure women can run ineffective bureaucracies as well as men (which means you need to punch a combat arms ticket to be in charge). Then there are the radicals who intentionally want to make the American military ineffective so that either it will not be used, or will be defeated if used. That second category used to be called "communists" but now they have all sorts of labels to hide behind. My beef is that our military leadership whores themselves to support these things simply to maintain political support to keep the budget high. We are building a military like the ISF that just melted in front of the ISIS - that's what our next war may look like.

    1. Darn autocorrect; above "transponders" should reader "transgenders."

    2. General Krulak loved to say that "We make Marines and we win battles".

      i agree with you. i fully expect the USMC along with the other services to be defeated in combat in a manner that we haven't witnessed since the early stages of WW2. additionally i expect that we will witness the horror of seeing one of these female infantry gang raped and then killed on YouTube.

      those animals in ISIS will do it without blinking an eye and all the liberals will have themselves to blame for it.

      mark my words its gonna happen.

      i don't know how we got to this point but silly and feel good have replaced common sense and reality.


  4. I don't understand, there is a FIFA Women's World Cup too. Granted this event is not as popular as men's event, but this too is a FIFA World Cup.

    Women are not demanding that they be allowed to compete in men's event, only that there are equivalent women's events of all sports, and this is why there is now women's boxing and wrestling events in the Olympics.

    1. you are being willfully ignorant.

      women aren't competing in the same events as men. you don't see a mixed soccer team playing an all male team. why? because it wouldn't be competitive and the all male team would have an advantage.

      yet, some are saying that women should be allowed in combat because its a rights issue when there are no rights in combat. just survival of the fittest.

      you already know what the intent was but you're trying to be provocative. why? speak plainly and clearly to add to the discussion instead of trolling like you did with that asinine comment.

    2. The Marines could form a female infantry battalion, and when the real Marines go into a hot area the ladies could go into a more pacific area, kind of like the British army did in Helmand.

  5. I've posted the state about the frequency of injuries among women in sports before, so I'll keep it brief.

    Women, playing the same sports like soccer, softball, basketball, gymnastics, etc., suffer a higher rate of injury to joints and bones than do men. For example, a young woman playing soccer is more likely to injure herself playing over a given period than a young man is. Women's bodies are not made for the kind of repetitive, load-bearing activities as men. And when the average combat load of soldiers keeps increasing and increasing, what you will see with women in combat is more joint and bone injuries i.e. in other words, women are NOT just smaller version of men.

    If that is the case, will there be extra billets in a unit to account for medical leave for increased injuries among female soldiers? Will there be 100% manning to account for injuries so units aren't deployed understrength? Are the services prepared to see increases in medical rehabilitation? Or medical discharges for those who are disabled due to injuries?

    A mortar team isn't going to increase in size just because a woman is on it and she can't carry the baseplate or tube or rounds? An infantry team isn't going to carry less ammo just because a woman can't carry an extra 200rds of MG for the MG like everyone else. They enemy isn't going to wait because the female loader of a tank crew isn't fast enough reloading the next APFSDS 120mm round

    1., Apr 10, 2013
      If and when women assume the role of infantry soldier, one of the biggest challenges they may face is the weight on their backs, according to an official at the Veterans Health Administration.

      The average female will have trouble as infantry soldiers must carry a load often weighing more than 80 pounds for many hours at a time over rugged terrain in some cases, said Dr. David Cifu, national director of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Veterans Health Administration.

      “I’m certain the majority of women doing this won’t be physically able to do it as long as the men. It’s a matter of body size and body mechanics,” Cifu said.

      Women already have shown they can overcome bias and sexism, as well as engage the enemy -- they’ve been doing it in Iraq and Afghanistan. But on average, they have less body weight and are weaker than men.

      A signature injury of America’s latest wars has been musculoskeletal, cases of which exceed the number of wounds from firefights and improvised explosive devices.

      One study found that between 2004 and 2007, about a third of medical evacuations from the Iraq and Afghan theaters were due to musculoskeletal, connective tissue and spinal injuries.

      There is no first-hand data, since women are not yet serving as infantrymen, but Cifu said that if women carry the same loads as their male counterparts, they are at more risk of these kinds of injuries “given the ratio of their size and strength to the packs.”

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