Saturday, June 28, 2014

MPC News. Two more years of testing?

via Defense Daily.
"What we’ve seen right now is that there is a swim capability that the [ACV] has, and we’re going to do some testing over the next two years here when we do the competition to be able to see exactly what the true swim qualities of the vehicles are" to determine whether the connectors would need to bring ACVs all the way to the shore, or whether they could drop the ACVs off a mile offshore, for example.

Glueck said that the four contractors believe their vehicles can handle up to sea state 3, which includes very choppy water conditions, but the Marine Corps will need to confirm that in testing before deciding how to proceed with connectors for ACV.
I was moving into the mode of trying to decide whether going all in on Marine Personnel Carriers instead of a true amphibious tractor was a good idea or not.

I was almost ready to shelve my viewpoint that this would ultimately be a Dunford decision and that Amos was simply spinning our wheels once again.

I should have remained firm.

Two years of testing.

Two more freaking years of if they don't have all the metrics they need right now for a decision!

The Marine Corps ground side is being played.  The procurement train wreck is still in play and the MPC/ACV 1.1 won't be seeing service anytime soon.  

1 comment:

  1. Honest eval? The Marine Corps is in a holding pattern until the administration changes.
    Hoping, and praying they don't have to do another Iwo Jima.
    According to one Marine General.


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