Saturday, June 14, 2014

Nexter Titus Live Demonstration


  1. Rear wheel steering is essential on a design like this, and the Tatra has it as they amply demonstrated. No look at the vehicle going over obstacles or humps though, as one might expect. The limited wheel travel and three-axle design might be a problem (thus they didn't show it).

    Given that, it's nice design.

    1. Recently I had an opportunity to visit the AVIBRAS factory and to review their use of the Tatra chassis for their ASTROS launchers.

      One of the things that impressed me most, was the LONG wheel travel of its independent suspension (not rigid axle).

      As a vehicle engineer I knew that the Tatra chassis had this feature, but during the visit I was made aware of its actual figure.

      The Tatra is an example of an excelente truck for off the road usage, and reminds me of the German MAN Kat 1 trucks that were expressly designed for this role.


  2. Deathtrap: (n)- open cabin seating with no blast wall between large-windshield driver's compartment and the meat cargo in the penetrating HE round through the weakest point (glass) and all the dudes in the back will cook before they can get out the hatch.

    Just sayin'


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