Sunday, June 29, 2014

Open Carry idiots.

Check out the above video.

Ignore the use of the "N" word.  Its used by street vermin and like the video and the news report says here, it wasn't being used in a 'derogatory' way (this is another of those annoying issues personally...I despise the term but its used constantly in rap can it be prohibited when its being used main stream?).

What I do want to discuss is "open carry idiots".

The NRA, Military Arms Channel (where I got this vid from...he also thinks they're beyond stupid) and many others have stated that open carry is working against us.

They are so right.

I'm to the point where I would agree to legislation that banned open carry except during times of emergency....and I'm a staunch 2nd Amendment purist.  This is how the gun grabbers win.  You have idiotic behavior by a few people and it leads to restricts for all.

Spread the word.

Don't open carry.

NOTE:  Once again, racist idiots have appeared on my page to spread there hate.  It will not be allowed.  A common sense discussion is always appreciated.  If you want to make comments that I deem inappropriate then they will be deleted and if I detect you commenting on any  other subject they will be too.  StormFront is available online and they're always looking for new members.


  1. I spent a long time thinking about this and i just can't understand this. Why they just carry their weapons concealed like everybody else?

    Im not american, and i don't live in the USA either, but to me, it's not about not carry weapons at all, it's about respect other people opnion.

    1. I used to frame houses in my youth, carried a Vaughn 28 oz hammer, well balanced and sure to drive a three penny nail with one strike to the head.
      Wore it on my nail bag belt everywhere BUT, When break time, lunch or quitting time came around that hammer and belt went in the back of the truck until I needed to drive nails again.
      I was proud of that hammer, but I didn't feel the need to carry it around on my belt in case a nail popped up.
      Show Off and Shock is what this is about, most of us gun owners don't open carry unless at the range, on the job or hunting and fishing.
      Fishing? Cotton mouth moccasins!

    2. spot on again Zebra.

      Andre. its about an under cover crime wave. police depts are under reporting and re-classifying crimes now. what was once considered felonies and aggravated assaults is now misdemeanors simply because some of these depts want to see lower crime stats.

      additionally many see an economic collapse coming. either way its not only about respect for others but preparation for coming events.

    3. I didn't know that Sol.Thanks

      Yeah zebra, some people need attention so bad, they start walking around with rifles on his back for "educational reasons". Even though he usually don't carry a gun.

      Btw, how long gonna take to a open carry dude start a shoutout? I've seen some videos, and i wonderer why that dude haven't got shot in the process( He entered a WalMart with an AR-15 on his back in one of the videos)

  2. Sol, I completely agree and, respectfully, totally disagree!

    I competely agree that, given today's reality and political climate, the open carry activists are hurting the pro-gun position. There's nothing to be gained by openly carrying in a crowded public location. Concealed carry is legal in most states and provides the same protections for the individual.

    On the other hand, I totally disagree that open carry activists are the problem. We're asking open carry people to refrain from exercising some of their 2A rights so that we don't give politicians any more reason to take away any more of our 2A rights than they already have. The 2A makes no distinction between open and concealed carry nor does it specify what types of arms we may bear, what magazine size we may use, or any other aspect that is currently regulated. Further, the 2A does not specify gun free zones as most states have adopted. In short, we've lost the right to bear arms of our choosing (type), magazines of our choosing (size), and the right to carry where needed (gun free zones). Asking people to stop carrying openly so as not to endanger any more or our 2A right is addressing the wrong end of the problem. We need to address the illegality of the current restrictions.

    Consider our right to free speech. The answer to maintaining our right isn't to speak carefully and inoffensively so as not to give anyone a reason to restrict it. The answer to maintaining our right is to exercise it fully. While I find many of the acts perpetrated in the name of free speech to be reprehensible, their exercise and its defense in court has kept our right healthy and robust. We must do the same with our 2A rights.

    The gun free zones that most states have should be vigorously challenged in court. I believe these are the most blatantly illegal of the various gun restrictions. The right to self defense which is one of the pillars (though not the most important pillar to our founding fathers) of the 2A and is not limited to just certain areas.

    As always, your posts are fascinating and thought provoking. Carry on!

    1. using your analogy of 1st Amendment rights...and i hate doing so because its an anti-gunner position but the 1st Amendment has restrictions. you can't shout fire. you can't be into child porn. you can't do a number of things. additionally just like the racist that showed up on my blog, its subject to evaluation. are you saying that a person spouting nonsense should be able to go to your blog and say whatever foolishness comes into there head and that you should allow it because they have free speech?

      its a slippery slope i know.

      one victory and they're going to push harder. but in this case it appears that some gun rights activists are our own worst enemy.

    2. The common sense way to interpret the extent of rights (of whatever type) is the dictum that my rights extend to the point where they bump up against another's rights. Thus, my right to yell, "fire", in a crowded room is limited because its exercise would conflict with everyone else's right to safety (the ensuing stampede causing injuries). Someone's right to spout nonsense on my blog is limited because it conflicts with my right of ownership and regulation.

      The question regarding guns and open carry, then, is whether the exercise of that right conflicts with other people's rights. If so, it must be limited. If not, it must be allowed. Does open carry conflict with someone else's rights? I can't think of a way that it inherently does.

      The trend is clear that our 2A rights are being curtailed. In my state, we are allowed to carry concealed (and open) but not in churches, schools (agruably the most dangerous place and the place we would most need self-defense!), hospitals, bars, restaurants, stadiums, gatherings of more than 2500 people (like malls, concerts, and other public events), libraries, courts, and governemnt buildings (I may have missed one or two others off the top of my head). So, while my right to bear arms is technically intact, is it really? Where can actually carry? Where can actually be protected? For practical purposes, I'm limited to my home. Add to that other Federal and state restrictions on gun types and magazine sizes and our 2A is further curtailed. Layer on excessive taxes and fees on purchases, transfers, registration, etc. and it's becoming more and more difficult to exercise 2A.

      This is why we need to exercise our 2A right vigorously. To fail to do so will see it lost. That said, there are intelligent ways to exercise the right and there are non-productive ways, as you've pointed out.

      Back to the analogy of free speech. There are idiots who abuse free speech but we put up with their idiocy (to the extent it conflicts with someone else's rights) to protect the basic right for all of us (flag burning is a good example). So too, the open carry idiots must be put up with to protect the basic 2A right for all of us (again, with the caveat that if someone can demonstrate an inherent conflict between open carry and someone else's rights then we need to have limits).

      Currently, we're accepting more and more limitations, both legal and self-imposed (self limiting open carry), just to preserve some portion of the basic 2A right. That's the route to slow death of the entire 2A right. We need to do the opposite and fully exercise our right.

      What's that quote?... Those who would trade freedom for security, deserve neither. (Something to that effect) Similarly, those who would trade half our 2A rights to try to preserve some portion, deserve none of the right.

      Does any of that make sense?

    3. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights... Worthless pieces of paper. The Anti-Federalists were right to fear what would become of our strong, central government.

      As for open carry vs concealed carry, it's all just meh. That's not a debate worth fighting. We can start with the NFA act of 1934, and dismantle every gun control law thereafter. While we're at it, we can call a constitutional convention so we can avoid this debate for another 226 years.

      None of that's going to happen though, so we are better off just waiting for our respective states to secede from the Union again.

    4. i guess its a concern for certain parts of the nation. in the South we don't have instances of this type of thing and we're very gun friendly. most of the time you see this type of thing in states that are in the balance.

      i know i'm going slightly off topic but the politics are in play on this issue as well as the "right and wrong" of the matter. i mean really! this was done in Ohio of all places! its been done in Texas and Colorado but the lines are pretty strong there and even in those states you see gun owners policing our own. in Ohio where you have many that are seeking to limit rights this is simply more fuel for the gun grabbers.

      political correctness sucks but political reality must be taken into account. and gun rights are as much a political issue these days as abortion.

  3. Poncho was a bandit boy
    His horse was fast as polished steel
    He wore his gun outside his pants
    For all the honest world to feel

    Read more: Willie Nelson - Pancho And Lefty Lyrics | MetroLyrics

    Hat tip to metrolyrics and Willie Nelson, possibly Merle Haggard.

    If I feel the need to wear open carry it is because I need to be armed for a dire reason that might occur or I'm hunting deer.
    Else I would carry concealed.
    Now, If I feel the need to be in danger enough to have to use that weapon, Bubba, It will be in my hand.
    My opinion it all braggadocio and bluster, show off and shock.
    Like owning a motorcycle and doing wheelies and such.
    Snatching a firearm makes this activity stupid.
    My Gunny could disarm an armed Man faster than anything I ever saw!
    Any Marine who has stood Rifle inspection knows how fast a man or woman inspecting Officer and SNCO can take that weapon away.
    Open carry, only if you really need to.
    These clowns don't.

    1. you're exactly right. one day we're going to get a story of an open carrier being disarmed and at best robbed at worst killed. its just not a good idea.

    2. Hat tip to the writer of the song rightly goes to Townes Van Zandt.

    3. Most open carry people such as the one I saw at Ingles Grocery the other day, Yup Ingles, like what a zombie apocalypse is gonna happen at Ingles? They don't guard their weapons, I see them with people standing close enough to snatch that pistol and run or shoot all the time!
      Now US Marine Guards who open carry, not MP's but Security Guards use pistol lanyards to prevent such a snatch.
      These clowns are asking for trouble, if someone snatches your weapon and uses it, you are responsible for the damage they cause.
      Law suits, even jail time.
      Open carry is for places other than the public.

  4. To me it's a matter of etiquette and common sense, you have a right to freedom of speech and expression but if you start screaming abuse at people in public then people are going to get pretty pissed off about it, and rightly so. Some idiot walking around behind you carrying an AK ready to fire (or even on his back) is quite threatening since it suggests that they are expecting to need it imminently and in a crowded public place that would be a danger to everyone around them.

    Basically having the right to do something does not mean that you should, and the gun rights activists who ignore that are doing more harm than anyone else. If you repeatedly do the same stupid things then eventually people will get wise to it and restrict it.

    As for "gun free zones" I really don't care since they're usually only imposed on certain areas. Guns shouldn't be in schools since they could be used against the occupants and an unattended gun could be accidentally discharged by a minor, they shouldn't be in Bars or Casinos for obvious reasons and they shouldn't be in sports stadiums because they could be used by terrorists.

  5. My 2 cents on open carry. I walk around with a gun open all the time at work. Its in a level 3 holster that not to many people know how to work, yet I am on high alert if anyone is standing behind me or walks past behind me. I have to stay aware of everyone when I'm out of a car all the time.
    Some of that carries over when I carry concealed off duty, but not near to the extent of when I am working.
    A few months ago I went to a training and had to carry open in plain cloths in a serpa holster. I hit paranoid level going to get something to eat at a fast food place with everyone walking around.
    I'll stick with concealed carry any day of the week just to keep my stress level down. The photos and such I have seen show people that are completely unaware of their surroundings.

    Oh on the crime reporting. Yes there is manipulation going on. if there are 10 cars broken into on a block it goes into 1 report and goes to the FBI as 1 burglary. If a home is broken into and nothing is taken, though there are items stacked by a door as if being prepared to be taken and you list it as a burglary, the intent to steal is clear,I hear you get yelled at.

    1. totally agree 100%! oh and thats a nice holster by the way. glad it isn't widely known about and it works like a charm. gotta practice to get good with your draw but that just takes time and dedication.

      as far as stress levels i call them idiots because they're totally unaware. a civilian would be a fool to open carry in anyother environment except the woods, fishing or hunting or on his farm. we haven't seen it yet but its gonna happen. one of these days some one is going to get their weapon taken.

      additionally as far as crime reporting is concerned and my new found "info" on it, i'm beginning to see a bit of the reasoning behind the madness of police militarization.

      i still disagree with it but i understand it better.

      the deal is simple. you're seeing MS13 and other hardcore gangs coming across the border, the terrorist threat is real, and you have more and more people getting advanced firearms training. as much as i hate to admit it, the police are not ahead at all.

      their biggest advantage is in the aftermath of an event. they will be able to hunt down the offenders because of the tremendous surveillance network that has been developed...from cameras on street corners to UAVs to license plate readers on squad cars that can sweep everything moving on the highway without a problem....but thats the rub. people like me having been going ballistic about MRAPs but the monitor society is where the real action is.

    2. A few points. Where I work we already have the Mexican cartel enforcers Los Zetas moving in. Now they have not done any large scale killings yet,but its a matter of time.
      The terror threat is real and if the administrations reaction to Iraq is seen in the Middle East as weak they will be emboldened to strike at home knowing Obama is weak.
      Another reason for the build up. Not MRAPS or what not just AR-15s is we are coming into more and more situations with gangs that have a member that joined the military and brought back military training to the gang. Or you have the guys that were just plain nuts that joined the services and then they realized they were nuts and kicked them out then police run into them.
      The license plate readers are great things. I know with the NSA crap it seems like more intrusion, but I'm telling you its an awesome tool. Many wrecker companies have them on their trucks so they can locate cars that have a repo out. The great thing is police get the info they pick up. So lets say the police are looking for a guy with a felony warrant and he is on the run. They run his license plate through the system and they get a hit that shows he keeps getting seen at a certain hotel. Now they know where to sit up on.

      As far as the UAVs go they have to be cheaper in flying time than a helicopter with a pilot possibly copilot and an observer.

  6. Do a quick google search of Open Carry. In a one-week period, I saw three stories: one on a local new channel, another on the Daily Show, and another on the web. All were lampooning open carry activists.

    The anti-2A people are latching on to Open Carry as the way to portray gun owners as 'out-of-touch', 'unsafe', 'whacky' and are framing the issue to the soccer-mom crowd as a way to leverage support for a second AWB.

    They were stopped flat cold even in the face of recent tragedies. But by portraying gun owners as dangerous yokels who scare the shit out of soccer moms, that support will start to shift away.

    If you want to Open Carry, it should be a part of a larger PR campaign, not just a flash mob style.

  7. whether here in Brazil 3 were dead stolen weapons
    silly as it can get.
    have a child in Brazil of fear
    But also do not like to have children in a place that


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