Friday, June 27, 2014

Political correctness run amok. Now Black Hawk helicopters are offensive?

Thanks Calico Jack for the link...

via Washington Post.
In the United States today, the names Apache, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne and Kiowa apply not only to Indian tribes but also to military helicopters. Add in the Black Hawk, named for a leader of the Sauk tribe. Then there is the Tomahawk, a low-altitude missile, and a drone named for an Indian chief, Gray Eagle. Operation Geronimo was the end of Osama bin Laden.
Why do we name our battles and weapons after people we have vanquished? For the same reason the Washington team is the Redskins and my hometown Red Sox go to Cleveland to play the Indians and to Atlanta to play the Braves: because the myth of the worthy native adversary is more palatable than the reality — the conquered tribes of this land were not rivals but victims, cheated and impossibly outgunned..... Noam Chomsky has clarified the moral stakes in provocative, instructive terms: “We might react differently if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes ‘Jew’ and ‘Gypsy.’ ”
These people are operating in a totally different world.

I don't quite know what to make of this train of thought.  I do know this....the attack on everything manly, the desire to destroy every thing that points to a proud martial history...and even the honoring of 'vanquished' people is now front and center for the progressives in the US>

Notice that Florida State is never mentioned in these diatribes of indignation?  The reason is simple.  The Seminole Nation rightfully understood that they were being honored by the use of their name by that university.

I've noticed something else.

Progressives thrive on social chaos.  If there is no issue for them to latch onto then they will invent one.  Perhaps I'm a neaderthal but this is another invented issue.  The fact that our borders are wide open, the economy is in the ditch, ISIS is rampaging throughout the Middle East, Africa is on fire and the unemployment rate is waaaaay too high is no where on their radar screens.

Oh and as far as Chomsky clarifying...he did not.  The Luftwaffe didn't call their airplanes Jew or Gypsy because they did not respect those peoples.  The US military does respect the warrior culture and implements of Native Americans.

Why else would we name our fiercest weapons of war after them?