Friday, June 13, 2014

Private Contracting Peril. US Contractors trapped at Balad, Iraq.

via CNN.
I am writing from ballad Iraq as a employee of sallyport, ksillc..there are approx 500 US citizens on balad air base north of Baghdad trapped..we are part of a little known F16 iraq support mission here...The company has reportedly for the last 3 days to fly us out, we are now all herded into a central location on base..and being told nothing..The clint lockheed martin, DoS and most women have already been evacuated days ago but we are all still here. I hope this message is received by someone that can break this as headline news to bring attention to the situation for us..we are all worried and in dire straight as last security Intel reports Isis elements around us..
This is one of those things that if you're lucky will never happen to you if you decide to be a PMC.  Luckily, I had a "daddy" in the business that took me under his wings to teach the in's and out's.

I forget the number of the rule, but it goes like this.  ALWAYS KNOW WHEN ITS TIME TO SAY FUCK THE CONTRACT AND GET OUT OF DODGE!

Hope these guys stay safe, but it sounds bad...if its true that is.  Something else to consider?  Know who you're working for.  Triple Canopy.  Lockheed Martin.  BAE.  Raytheon.  SAIC.  Booz-Allen.  They take care of their people.  Some of the others?  Not so much.  Its a dangerous world and unless they're careful we might be looking at a few more Sgt Bergdahl's.