Monday, June 02, 2014

Project 22220 nuclear powered icebreakers via Naval Recognition Blog.

Read about this ship at Naval Recognition.

Its beyond interesting.  The US and Canada and heck even Japan are talking about the arctic but only Russia is actually putting its money where its mouth is.

We've seen the establishment of a new Arctic Brigade, we've seen military exercises in the region and now they're expanding their line of world leading Ice Breakers.

Russia is serious about controlling the far north.


  1. Resources, cash from oil & gas is the only thing that keep Russia afloat. They know this, they understand this and they try to control as much they can to get that money flown.


  2. Hey solomon Project 21900M icebreaker will be in water soon.


    1st of the project R-70202 small icebreaks has finished it's test and is induce into service.

    Some footage of the Baltika on test trials

    And map of planned Icebreakers of all countries and their current fleet.

  3. The Canadian Gov't has been, talking...and talking...and talking about the latest super icebreaker. You would think we were in the business of talking about icebreakers.

  4. That's one pretty ship! Russian flag design?


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