Monday, June 16, 2014

Quote of the day. Air Force appreciation for Marine Grunts!

It will not bother me should I live my entire life without having to kill a man but I have to say I'm glad to be surrounded by a thousand 19 year-old Marines who can't wait to.
The above quote is from an article talking about the fact that US Marines have not been moved into position to evacuate the US Embassy in Iraq...wait for it...because of political sensitivity!

Remember my article here, where I speculated that we weren't being proactive and evacuating the embassy had more to do with presidential prestige rather than the desire to save lives.

Looks like I was right.  Read the Examiner article here.

Sidenote:  I'm not slamming the Air Force guy that made the above quote but it does point to something that is being heard more and more among men...and its disturbing.  Men are expecting other men to protect them.  Not for them to be responsible for each others safety (like standing watch while your buddy catches some sleep and vice versa) but for one man to be responsible for protecting another.  On the surface it sounds innocent enough, but dig into it.  Since when is a man not responsible for protecting not only himself but his loved ones?  This is an unnoticed trend that needs to be stomped out.  The feminization of the American male continues...even in the military.


  1. Sol are you saying that Nutnfancy isn't representative of USAF flight crew? :)

  2. That qoute must be back during the beginning of OEF when they first setup Kandahar.

    And the article is somewhat absurd in its mentioning that there are only 100 or so Marines guarding the embassy. That place is a fortress and while the Marines on duty might only have sidearms and shotguns, they've got more firepower than that inside. It was specifically designed to fend off attacks and bombings so there would never be a Iran-Hostage type-crisis in that country.

    Then there are the Triple-Canopy contractors who provide security around the Embassy. A buddy of mine, ex-Ranger, used to work there. Those guys are all combat vets. I wouldn't speculate on their numbers, but there are far more people defending the Embassy than just 100 Marines.


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