Friday, June 20, 2014

Quote of the day...Hollywood edition.

What's in your wallet?!!!


  1. Same goes for Canada.

    Despite its reputation, there is a HUGE amount of guns in Canada. No, we can't go down to the corner store and buy an AR-15, but go into any rural home and there is likely to be several hunting rifles and shotguns. Gun clubs are everywhere, and getting a handgun permit is easy enough.

    I think the big difference is, when a shooting happens in Canada, people focus more on the shooter (mental health, criminal history, etc) than the weapons used. A .308 hunting rifle is just as scary, maybe even scarier than an AK in the right hands.

    1. Yeah, even the brick in right hands can be scary as shit. People tend to forget that weapons don't kill humans, other humans do that. And if I want to kill someone I can do that with a fraking tea cup!

    2. you're seeing two things going on with the anti-gun crowd.

      1. its a cultural war. they have tough gun control in half the country and people there are happy with it. they want the rest of the country. why? because they realize that they're attacking the culture of rural states. thats one of the main reasons why they're going after it so hard.

      2. its also fear. they're scared of guns, they're scared of people that like guns (even though they're law abiding) and they're scared of the fact that they can't get any traction on the issue.

      this is off topic but i don't get the obama administration. everytime i turn around they're hitting a social issue and hitting it hard. all its doing is stirring up controversy and dividing the country. many are hurting economically and the economy is struggling if people would open there eyes and see whats going on. its almost like they feel a need to distract people from real issues that are facing the country.

    3. 3. Control

      They can't control an armed population and they know it. That is why they are going after black rifles (semi-autos)--they are the force multipliers. Notice all the agencies arming up? They want those force multipliers on their side of the fence to steal labor, property, and lives as Liberals have done throughout history. If they were legitimately interested in public safety they would be targeting handguns.

      This isn't a political divide, this is the beginning of a civil war. If most Americans understood what the elite wanted (through disarmament) the shooting would have started already.

    4. I'll second that on Canada and guns. There are lots of guns in Canada. We do have some significant restrictions vs US on the where and how they are used.
      When something does happen, it is more of a mental health argument, criminal element discussion.


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