Thursday, June 19, 2014

The 3rd Iraq War has just begun...

via Army Times.
President Obama is also expected to announce Thursday that he is deploying about 100 Green Berets to Iraq to help train and advise Iraqi forces, according to a U.S. official. However, Obama does not plan to announce immediate U.S. airstrikes on Iraq, which have increasingly become less of a focus of deliberations in recent days.
This is amazing.

According to the President of the United States...and not disputed by anyone in the Pentagon...the Green Berets/Army Special Forces are not combat troops.


Keep an eye on this one kids.  Green Berets are force multipliers supreme.  They will lead the Shiites and they will direct air strikes.

The 3rd Iraq war has just begun.  It might be done in secret, but US warplanes will be dropping bombs.  SF Troops will be killed and injured.  This thing will spiral out of control. 


  1. "US does not rule out possible air strike against ISIL targets within Syrian border." Does that imply we and Assad regime are now unofficially partners? A partnership not by design but forged by the rapid changing situations on the ground. Hmm, I am intrigued.

  2. I think we should back the Kurds on this one just out of general principal

    1. A lot of folks I work with(myself included) feel the same

    2. And it that kind of sentiment that the rest of Iraq has senced on your side which is why they are deliberatly be-littleing and blaming that Kurds for their setbacks. They even fired on a Kurdish relief party commig in to rescue them. 6 died and 40 plus injured on that relief column.
      From what I am reading and witnessing a 1000 miles away, the safe bet is the Kurdish people but still, I feel a future volcano yet to be unleashed if we fully put all our chips behind the Kurds.
      No offence to any Kurdish readers here, but your demand for a seperate country taking bits and parts of Iraq, Turkey and Iran also I think, will upset a lot of people.

  3. Or just let it burn that would work also.

  4. They have wanted to kill each other for more than a 1000 years, yet it was always with stones and swords. let them now feel what war and mass homicide is like in the industrial age. Let them alone to finally sort it out.

  5. I was thinking it was going to be only UAV strikes against ISIS, but it seems they will likely use Super Hornets too.

  6. Syria's Assad (and a few others) are probably ROFL-ing right now. The US' international reputation is shot.

    Will the real POTUS please stand up?

  7. Obama lied, Iraqi's died, war mongering democrat, Recall Truman you Iraqi ISIS/ISIL yup, liberal, socialist democrat he nuked two Japanese cities for shits and giggles!
    Ever hear about a Man packed suitcase nuke?
    You will, you will!
    But alas no, Obama ain't got the guts nor the balls to attack and make war on anyone except conservative, gun owning, bible thumping Christian and straight non dope smoking people.
    get out of Iraq now it ain't our fight anymore, there ain't no WMDs remember?

  8. See, this is what happens when you ignore Lawrence of Arabia's advise and go about dividing all of arabia all Anglo-French style. As far as I am concerned, the Arab world was made into a tinder box the day the Allies decided to decimate the Ottoman Turkish Empire and their Caliphate after WW1.
    The same way South Asia became a tinder box when Indo-Pak division happened, and the Israel-Palestine Division happened. In short, divisions are the complete opposite of multiplications.

    1. And the ex-colonian powers were very very shrewd when it came to divisions. Heck, even the Germans were divided till the berlin wall broke. Atleast the Germans re-united. Now if only the Scots know that multiplying is much better than dividing. Indipendance vote anyone ?


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