Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The "Child Dump" on the border...the story you aren't hearing....


  1. No news here. One of the milestones of a child's life here in the UK is them receiving their TB inoculation at 10/11 just before they go to secondary school. Everybody over 11 here in the UK has a little white scar at the top of their left arm. TB was virtually eradicated. Now it is back in a big way in our inner cities. If it isn't new immigrants with the disease it is settled immigrants not wanting their children immunised and just slipping through the net. That the US is having similar problems isn't a shock.

  2. He he, well it depends where does immigrants in the UK have come from.
    East europeans are all well imunised, but i dont hear the UKIP bitch too much about asians and africans ;)

    1. My point simply is that TB is back in the UK. Don't try to turn into a race issue

  3. libs don't give a darn as long as they can get 'em to vote democrat


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