Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The first step to save America happened tonight....

via AP
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated Tuesday by a little-known economics professor in Virginia's Republican primary, a stunning upset and major victory for the tea party.
Cantor is the second-most powerful member of the U.S. House and was seen by some as a possible successor to the House speaker.
His loss to Dave Brat, a political novice with little money marks a huge victory for the tea party movement, which supported Cantor just a few years ago.
Cantor and Republican leadership were plotting to pass an amnesty bill late this summer.  What that would have done to our nation is incalculable.

Cantor's defeat throws a monkey wrench into those schemes.  The first step to save America happened tonight and I couldn't be happier. 


  1. Replies
    1. you damn right it is! all the plotting and scheming just got shit canned. I LOVE THIS SHIT!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. this is beyond good work bro!!!! this is seismic!!!! the political elites are going crazy!

  3. So Democrats gain another seat in Virginia.

    1. http://www.businessinsider.com/democrats-rejoice-cantors-loss-2014-6

      The official noted Cantor might run as a write-in candidate, which could result in a situation where the conservative vote "gets split" and creates an opening for Trammell. Cantor's campaign did not respond to a request from Business Insider shortly after his loss.

      Describing the district as one that merely "leans Republican" and isn't overwhelmingly conservative, the official also suggested Brat might simply lose to Trammell outright.

    2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/06/ben-cooter-jones_n_5463196.html

      Cooter Has A Plan To Unseat Eric Cantor. It's So Crazy It Just Might Work.

      Cooter, who ran against Cantor in 2002, has penned an open letter calling upon Democrats in his former Virginia district to vote in the open primary next Tuesday for tea party opponent Dave Brat in order to defeat U.S. House Majority Leader Cantor.

      Crossing party lines to vote in an open primary has a long tradition in the solidly one-party South, Cooter argues in his letter. "[B]y voting for David Brat in the Seventh District Republican primary, we Democrats, independents, and Libertarians can make a big difference in American politics," he argues. "It is your right to cast that vote. It is an 'open' primary and it doesn’t preclude anyone from voting anyway they wish in November. It may be the only way to empower those who want to make a statement about the dysfunctional Congress and 'politics as usual.'"

    3. a couple of things. Virginia has a sore loser law. that means that if your name was on a primary ballot and you lose, you can't appear on the general election ballot. what does that mean? it means Cantor can't run as a write in on the Nov elections.

      second, don't be fooled by Democrat spin. the biggest news item is an influx of illegal aliens into our country. the President has virtually stated that illegals will not be deported. that's called a pull and people are running here to get in the door.

      the American people are anti-ILLEGAL immigration and with the economy still suffering it makes no sense to push through a bill now. the people spoke and Cantor lost.

    4. Sol, you bring up a point that I am not understanding, since when can the executive branch just choose to stop enforcing a law? This is something that has bothered for a while. The legislative branch is charged with making the bill, and the executive branch is charged with approving (or vetoing) a bill into law AND enforcing the law as it is written in the USC. Since when is it ok for the Executive branch to just say "F**k it" I don't like the law, I'm not going to enforce it? Am I missing something here? I do not want to be the nutjob crazy guy, I really do try to think things through before I form an opinion on it. To me, knowingly refusing to enforce laws that were passed by the congress is impeachable, someone please tell me I am wrong.

    5. Solomon

      > the American people are anti-ILLEGAL immigration

      At least not in Eric Cantor's district. Democrats will take Cantor's seat in November


      Poll: 72% In Cantor’s District Support Immigration Reform
      Just 23 percent in Virginia's 7th District said that they were opposed to the legislation.

      Despite the assumption that Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) Republican primary loss was spurred by his position on immigration reform, a survey conducted by Public Policy Polling in Cantor’s district Tuesday evening found that 72% of voters support the comprehensive immigration reform package passed by the Senate last year.

      23 percent in Virginia’s 7th District said that they were opposed to the legislation.

    6. you don't get it and you refuse to understand your error. you're talking about a jaded poll designed to get a certain opinion. American's are anti-illegal immigration and in Cantor's district the primary issue was illegal immigration.

      just like i rely on your "on the ground" knowledge of many issues in asia, don't think that you can pull a couple of articles off the internet and have a perfect view of US politics.

      you're a good guy but an arrogant son of a bitch. long story short you're just wrong.

    7. chaos56.

      i don't understand your question. where did i bring up separation of powers?

    8. @chaos56

      Presidents get away with all sorts of unconstitutional crap. Simply because nobody calls them on it.

    9. I went off on a tangent, but it started with Cantor->immigration->the current immigrant flood-> DoJ refusing to deport->executive branch not enforcing laws set by congress....basically I'm sorry

  4. He had in his "loss" speech the audacity to say he would continue to work toward Conservative principles......This guy is RINO as much as the Speaker, cry baby Boehner is!

    Cantor spent $5,000,000 to retain a job for 2 years....a job that pays $174,000 a year!!!!!!

    His challenger Dave Brat? He spent $200,000.

    1. Truth sells itself. Only lies require vast sums of cash to maintain.


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