Monday, June 09, 2014

The Las Vegas Shooting. Its just not adding up.

I've been getting hit with news of the Las Vegas shooting and it looks real bad.

To be simply eating lunch and to be ambushed is horrible.  The idea that they took the dead and dying officers weapons and ammo is telling.

But what has me shaking my head and wondering is some of the details....

*  A Gadsden flag being draped over the bodies of the officers by the assailants????
*  Literature saying that they were connected with White Supremacists???

I just don't know.  First with the flag.  That is crazy in a handbag.  Its weird.  But the incident is laced with lunacy so ok.  Maybe.  But the White Supremacists angle?  Don't buy it.  If White Supremacists had activated and gone on a shooting rampage then the body count would have been much higher.  Additionally ever Black and Hispanic person in that Walmart would have been gunned down.

I'll wait to see more on this.  I do know that militia groups should be on alert like never before.  This is the impetus that will put them on the radar of both Federal AND Local law enforcement.  I really expect a WACO type incident to hit soon.  War has been declared.  Buy your preps, ammo and spare parts NOW.  Congressmen that were on gun owners side will get wobbly once the intel reports are massaged to get them to act to restrict 2A rights.